We then learn to use that energy to manifest our desires and create the life we choose. And because we can’t see her, we often ignore her, and her magic. Put energy behind increasing your finances and using your growing knowledge in new ways. You can also practice them to enhance your moon rituals. It is often viewed as a symbol of new beginnings. The Moon’s cycle is 29.5 days and it represents a full life-cycle. The December 2020 full moon is also under the influence of a spiritual and artistic fixed star that brings good health, honor, riches, and pleasure. Practice These 6 Yoga Poses to Find Relief. There is spiritual metaphor in meaning in each chapter of the cycle. To determine what phase of the moon you were born under, click here. Discounts on yoga goodies from your favorite brands. This is called the ‘ … This particular moon cycle signifies surrender. It’s thought of as a good time to gather ideas, thoughts and plan ahead for the coming month or so. One way to connect to each moon phase energy and influence is to use the Moon’s energy to help set our intentions and clear negativity. Here’s a step-by-step tutorial. New Moon 5th of April 2019. However, just because the moon cannot be physically seen at this time does not diminish its pow… This moon phase signifies refinement. Turn inwards and use your energies as alchemy to gather more and more … Blue Moon . The moon is so powerful, it is responsible for moving oceans, the ocean tides and for the growth of plants, and we as humans are also affected by this powerful energy. Every being on earth is attuned to the rhythmic cycles of the moon. Narrowing your focuses to prioritize your most important goals. Since the harmful effect of the new and full moon is due to a spiritual reason, only spiritual remedies or spiritual practice can help in giving protection. This particular moon cycle signifies release and sealing of intention. This article has been read 200K+ times. Cultures have worshiped the moon since the beginning of time and many still do. We watch them grow as the moon grows. On new moon day, the non-illuminated, i.e. The meaning of a new moon is the opportunity to start anew and refresh your dreams and desires. So glad the article was helpful to you Marion. Thank you. Moon phases show us how the Moon affects the ebb and flow of our entire existence. The most auspicious time for magick spells during this Moon phase is at 10 or 11 at night. As the closest astronomical body to us, the Moon has a powerful influence on us as spiritual bodies. Yang energy is active, outward moving, fulfillment, harvest, light energy. (In truth, due to the nature of cycles, there are no beginnings or endings…) She’s invisible at this point, rising with the Sun into the day-lit sky, and setting with him too. Initiate your magic and alchemy with your passion and instinct, know your depths. The New Moon represents the menses and in ancient days women retired from others during this time. If you haven’t already read it, head here for a recap on the Spiritual Meaning of New Moons. _ord=Math.random()*10000000000000000;_rand=parseInt(Math.random()* (5 - 1) + 1);_ad="