Utilitarianism, in normative ethics, a tradition stemming from the late 18th- and 19th-century English philosophers and economists Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill according to which an action is right if it tends to promote happiness and wrong if it tends to produce the reverse of happiness. Which of the following statements is true of ethics? He does not accept bribes irrespective of the amount of money. The _____ compares a current ethical dilemma with examples of similar ethical dilemmas and their outcomes. Mark believes that his behavior will benefit his family and him, and hence he is not concerned about the legality of his behavior. The company has now decided to use a third-party recycling logo. Ethical principles are just personal opinions. Which of the following statements about ethics is true? D) It is primarily a duty-based view of ethics. 3The acceptability of behavior in business is determined by not only an organization but also its stakeholders. Which of the following levels of ethical development is illustrated by Hallie? Ethics seeks to define the good and the bad. Ethics supplies evidence for philosophical inquiry. C. Which of the following statements is true of utilitarianism? C)It is an ethical philosophy that considers pleasure as the ultimate motive for human actions. C. 2Business ethics and personal ethics are synonymous. c.) Ethics sets rules for rational thought. Which of the following statements is true of ethics training? Which of the following companies is an advocate of green marketing? Which statements are legitimate challenges to utilitarian ethical theory? C) When choosing among possible actions, utilitarianism requires us to disregard our own happiness. Question: Which Of The Following Statements Is True? "Abortion is acceptable if the woman doesn't want to be a mother." All Statements Are Correct C. Ethics Affects The Behavior Of Individual In That Particular Society D. Ethics Affects The Norms Of Particular Society Which One Of The Following Principles Gives An Individual The Autonomy To Make Own Decision? 6.Which of the following statements is true? 98) Which of the following statements is true in respect to ‘business ethics’? Which of the following statements is true about code of ethics? B) Utilitarians contend that we can determine with certainty what the future consequences of our present actions will be. In the context of the determinants of a civil society, _____ involves the voluntary acceptance of standards established by nongovernmental entities. Ethical topics are often closely related to issues of law, etiquette, or religion. 1 question was answered incorrectly. Ronald Systems Inc. has developed a line of appliances that run on solar energy and cause no harm to the environment. Quiz No.1 Business Ethics MGT610 Read following instructions carefully before attempting the quiz solution: • Quiz 01 covers lesson no.01-12 and (Total marks: 1 x 10 = 10) • Last date for submission of quiz is 8th April, 2009. Which of the following statements is true of consequentialism? The end may justify the means b. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. asked Sep 14, 2015 in Business by NVdes. B. a. A. b.) A. Ethics and social responsibility are independent of each other. Which of the following is a similarity between act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism? In this case, he will observe less ethical misconduct when: Allan voices against those who litter on roads because he believes that society expects cleanliness from people. Intro to Ethics – PHIL 200 Unit Final Which of the following statements supports egoism? Which of the following statements is true?The government is not concerned with genetic ethics.Scientists can create genetic combinations that do not exist in nature.There are no laws against genetic discrimination at work.Personal results from genetic testing must be shared with employers. a. 4Business ethics is independent of an organizational culture. In the context of corporate social responsibility, which of the following statements is true of stakeholder theory? Objectivity is vital to ethical thought. a. There is no consensus among utilitarians on how to measure and determine the overall good c. It is difficult to know how to consider the consequences for all the parties that will be affected by an act d. Which of the following statements is true of ethics? Twenty percent of the fee that the working professionals would pay is given to the nonprofit organization. Acting ethically is always easier than any other form of action. d.) Ethics supplies evidence for philosophical inquiry. b. B. Which of the following statements is true about ethical decision making in business? The _____ states that people should adhere to their obligations and duties when analyzing an ethical dilemma. d. … Which of the following statements is true of ethics? c. Ethics can be specifically defined, like other laws. A utilitarian will always keep his promises to a friend and follow the law. b. Robin displays _____. • Don’t rely only on handouts, use recommended books as well One difficulty for utilitarianism is the problem of 'deliberation'. A utilitarian believes that arson is sometimes ethical and not always wrong. It holds that an action is judged desirable if it leads to the maximization of stockholders' wealth. Employees assume no risk when they conduct themselves ethically. It is most effective when it is too detailed. Which of the following statements is true of the utilitarian approach to business ethics? In which of the following situations are marketers most likely to recognize a practice as unethical? C. It suggests that the moral worth of actions is determined by their consequences. Which of the following is an issue of law? Every employee, except workers in a process-oriented organization, will be faced with an issue that will require ethical decision making. a. The money is then used by the nonprofit organization to fund the training program. The deontological theory considers the welfare of the people, while the utilitarian ethical theory … Throwing yourself in front of a train to save a stranger. d. If an act is legal, it must by definition be ethical. Ethics Affects The Culture Of Society B. 9) Which of the following statements are true about ‘Morale’ 1) It is a form of ‘attitude’ 2) It is reflected in positive feelings about the work group 3) It instills confidence that difficult goals can be achieved easily 4) It is the knowledge of the distinction between right and … Which of the following statements is true of a utilitarian? This illustrates _____. C) It is found in the way in which managers use cost-benefit analysis to evaluate alternative courses of action. a. Oh no! He operates at the postconventional level of morality while making ethical decisions. b. d. To ensure the best experience, please update your browser. Which of the following statements is an argument for corporate social responsibility? A. Ethics is not concerned with the way moral rules are derived. B)Ethics and social responsibility are independent of each other. You passed this Milestone 14 questions were answered correctly. A) Utilitarians wish to maximize happiness not simply immediately, but in the long run as well. According to the Ethics Resource Center's National Business Ethics Survey (NBES), ethics training programs do not yield effective results. Which of the following is true regarding utilitarian beliefs? Which of the following is one of the four major components of the pyramid of corporate social responsibility? The company uses only organically grown grains and fruits. a.) A)All ethical standards are codified in the law. Which of the following statements is true of the utilitarian approach to ethics? Quasio Foods Inc. is a large food manufacturing corporation that earns more profits than its competitors. a. A) It focuses primarily on individual rights. A) The agency relationship is confined to the top management and does not continue down the hierarchy within the company. B) It views lying as an unethical practice. Which of the following concepts is illustrated in this scenario? C)Establishing broad agreement on ethical standards is easier when society is diverse. It is limited to the type of major corporate decisions with social consequences. Which of the following statements is true of a code of ethics. 2.2 Utilitarian Ethics Utilitarian ethics is a normative ethical system that is primarily concerned with the consequences of ethical decisions; therefore it can be described as a teleological theory or consequentialist theory, which are essentially the same thing, both having a notion that the consequence of the act is the most important determinant of the act being moral or not. Which of the following statements is true of ethics? Ethics is concerned with right and wrong. Ethics focuses on the way in which ethical principles apply in making moral determinations in life. Ethics seeks to define the good and the bad. Ethics is not subject to the same level of rigor as other philosophical pursuits. It is limited to the type of major corporate decisions with social consequences. It looks like your browser needs an update. Which of the following statements is true of the deontological theory and the utilitarian ethical theory? B. A person who follows the deontological theory: Which of the following is a similarity between the deontological theory and moral relativism? Who among the following is most likely to disapprove of unethical practices more strongly than others? Which of the following statements is true of a utilitarian? A)Its doctrine states that the ends do not justify the means under any circumstances. Mark is the sales manager of a reputed firm. Which of the following is a disadvantage of cause-related marketing? Ethical behavior has little to do with interpersonal interaction. A. In the context of ethical theories, Mark displays _____. b. Which of the following statements is true of morals? B) Agents almost always have more information about the resources they are managing than the principal does. In the context of ethical decision making, the greater the degree of agreement among managerial peers that an action is harmful: Mark is a friend of Ryan, who has been accused of attempt to murder. b. Answer: Self-determined ethics are more successful than ethics dictated by others. It also promotes organic farming and helps nonprofit agencies who focus on food and nutrition causes. d. 1 Which of the following statements is true of ethics? A. Ethical topics are often closely related to issues of law, etiquette, or religion. _____ is a business's concern for the long-range welfare of both the company and its relationship to the society within which it operates. In the context of rule utilitarianism, which of the following statements is true? In the context of ethical theories, which of the following statements is true of moral relativism? which of the following statements is true of ethics, Which of the following statements is true in the context of principal-agent relationships? c. A utilitarian is not necessarily concerned with the welfare of others. Ethical behavior is restricted to professional contexts. PHILL100 - Introduction_to_Ethics_sophia_final_milestone.docx, Sophia Introduction to Ethics Challenge 4.docx, United States Military Academy • PHL 200. The good and the bad are always self-evident. B) They argue that what is distinctive about rational behavior is the fact that it is self-interested and purpose driven. Which of the following statements is a feature of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)? 5Profit in business is the only glue that holds relationships together. D)Actions … In this scenario, Quasio Foods is most likely to have adopted the concept of _____. Unit 1 Challenge 3.docx - Which of the following statements is true of ethics a Ethics determines how we best learn b Ethics seeks to define the good, 2 out of 2 people found this document helpful. 71. Even after knowing that Ryan is guilty, Mark lies when the police interrogates him. a. According to the three levels of ethical development, which of the following statements is true of conventional morality? Which of the following considerations is ethically relevant to a person buying. The goal of ethics is to justify your own behavior. A) They argue that individuals have responsibilities based on a core set of moral principles that go beyond those of narrow self-interest. This scenario illustrates _____. c. Establishing broad agreement on ethical standards is easier when society is diverse. A business firm is collaborating with a nonprofit organization in an initiative to provide public relations training to working professionals throughout a country. In the context of the utilitarian ethical theory, uncertainty in predicting the future can lead to: Which of the following statements is true of cause-related marketing? Hallie has a tendency to be egocentric. CONCEPT Philosophical and Non-Philosophical Inquiry 14 Which of the following statements is true of ethics? 1All business actions deemed unethical by society are necessarily illegal. Creating ethics guidelines has several advantages. Over his tenure, he has witnessed numerous ethical misconducts. asked Apr 9, 2016 in Business by kekechal. The issue is best described by the following statement: It seems difficult, if not impossible, for a regular human being to constantly calculate all the potential effects of all his actions. 95. How long have the coffee beans been on the shelf? c. The immoral conduct of corporate management is not likely to affect the behavior of lower level employees. In this case, which of the following statements is true? Jordon is a sales manager. According to the levels of ethical development, at the preconventional morality level, people: Robin, a police sergeant, believes that bribing is illegal. Ethics determines how we best learn. Actions that are completely legal can still be unethical. Stakeholder theory of corporate social responsibility: Which of the following statements is true about the pyramid of corporate social responsibility? Which of the following statements is true about Kantian philosophical traditions? This preview shows page 1 - 3 out of 3 pages. Ethics training helps employees to commit unethical acts that are beneficial to the company. Which of the following statements is an example of descriptive ethics. She follows the rules of her company mainly to avoid punishment and to gain respect. When making decisions, she always focuses on what immediate benefits she will gain from an alternative. In the context of ethics in other countries, which of the following statements is true?