There are no major statues of Hernan Cortes in Mexico (and one of him in Spain was defaced in 2010 when someone splattered red paint all over it). 1. Low density lipoprotein, called LDL or “bad cholesterol,” carries cholesterol to every cell in the body for potential use in cell membranes or for making hormones and vitamin D. The cells take only what they need, so high levels of LDL can result in deposits of excess cholesterol in the arteries, causing restricted blood flow 4. I think they did more good then bad. What are the good and bad qualities of the Spanish conquistadors. Like the game portrays? Spell. The truth is that they had a lot of help. Ok, here’s the thing: Most Conquistadores, including Columbus, were real bastards, and a bunch of sonofbitches, even for a time much harder than today, where everyone dealt with death on a daily basis. The Spanish conquistadors were mainly explorers and soldiers. Homework Help Q&A Site. This did not even count the vast treasures taken later when the Inca capital city of Cuzco was looted. The Native Americans knew the land and how to survive on it, the conquistadors did not. California is named after a fictional island in a popular Spanish chivalry novel. Ask your question. They were products of a bygone age that focused on chivalry and medivalism. "10 Facts About the Spanish Conquistadors." The viceroyalties were expected to be governed in America in precisely the same way as the king governed i… The conquistadors had been vaccinated against smallpox The natives had never been exposed to European diseases The natives had poor hygiene, while the Spanish were very clean They committed genocide, enslaved natives and took their land, but overall, were their actions positive or negative for the world, both present and past? montaviapierce montaviapierce 3 minutes ago History High School +5 pts. Native Americans were exploited, enslaved, and exterminated by the Spanish. Each of these vice royalties was presided over by a viceroy appointed directly by the king. Why don't libraries smell like bookstores? The conquistadors were ruthless when it came to conquering native civilizations or extracting gold from them. They lived as such, and most of them died as such. Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? The conquistadors were professional warriors, using European tactics, firearms, combat dogs, and cavalry. Christopher Minster, Ph.D., is a professor at the ​Universidad San Francisco de Quito in Ecuador. ThoughtCo. Conquistador, any of the leaders in the Spanish conquest of America, especially of Mexico and Peru, in the 16th century. spain. For them, the Age of Exploration undoubtedly brought more harm than good. Be the first to answer! A chapter written by the Spanish Conquistadors themselves. Without these thousands of native warriors fighting alongside them, these legendary conquistadors would certainly have failed. Where they reckless adventurers or simply paid mercenaries of the Spanish crown? They not only fought in the battlefield, but served as interpreters, informants, servants, teachers, physicians, and … The atrocities they committed over the course of three centuries are far too many to be listed here, but there are some that stand out. Are the spanish conquistadors seen as good or bad. The conquistadors were professional warriors, using Old World tactics, short-swords, and cavalry. Cortes conquered the Aztecs and in doing so secured himself a fortune. Retrieved from As the title asks. We're Spanish conquistadors good or bad? All in all, Atahualpa's ransom came to 13,000 pounds of gold and twice that much silver. to spread their religious beliefs, looking for land to acquire, and in search of gold. Yes, they were brutal by our standards, but the Spanish/Portugese conquistadors were devoted to God, monarch, country and family. There were few, if any, benefits to the natives besides that they did not lose their homes and land since the system allowed natives to keep virtual title. Man lived inside airport for 3 months before detection. Those natives were said to be savage cannibals. In the New World, at least, they were more like mercenaries. How much do you know about the ruthless men who gave the New World to the King of Spain on a bloody platter? It really does depend on your perspective. What does contingent mean in real estate? Spanish Conquistadors : Motives The first and primary reason was wealth and power. When did organ music become associated with baseball? They were not a standing army in the sense that we think of it. Two examples are Pedro de Candia (1485–1542), a Greek explorer and artilleryman who accompanied the Pizarro expedition, and Ambrosius Ehinger (1500–1533), a German who cruelly tortured his way across northern South America in 1533 in search of El Dorado. While today it seems ridiculous that a country of only 195,364 square miles (about 31,000 mile larger than the state of California) would claim over 8,149,627 square miles of territory – all of which already belonged to other people. Low density lipoprotein, called LDL or “bad cholesterol,” carries cholesterol to every cell in the body for potential use in cell membranes or for making hormones and vitamin D. The cells take only what they need, so high levels of LDL can result in deposits of excess cholesterol in the arteries, causing restricted blood flow 4. In Mexico, Hernan Cortes and Pedro de Alvarado (1485–1581) ordered the Cholula Massacre and the Temple Massacre respectively, killing thousands of unarmed men, women, and children. A few also had crude firearms known as Arquebus.Their units (compañia) would often specialize in forms of combat that required long periods of training that were too costly for informal groups.Their armies were mostly composed of Spanish, as well as soldiers from other parts of Europe and Africa. The top level of Spanish government in America divided the conquests of the conquistadors into two enormous viceroyalties: the viceroyalty of New Spain, which included all of Mexico, Central America, and the West Indian islands—and the viceroyalty of Peru, which governed the Spanish conquests in South America. For instance consider the system of the encomiendas: This was an exploitative system by which the Crown of Spain granted land to conquistadors/colonists, and they could force Indians living on those lands to work for them. ... History doesn't need morals so i don't think it really matters whether they were good or bad. The men who ravaged the peoples of the New World came to be known as the conquistadors, a Spanish word meaning "he who conquers." The word Conquistador literally means conqueror – the men and women who explored the New World, and claimed it’s land for the Spanish crown. This era also saw large-scale European involvement in the slave trade. thousands, and they destroyed a whole culture. They were conquerors, they were sent there to conquer … 132. This again. The conquistadors who brought down native empires are not highly thought of in the lands they conquered. Cortes would not have gotten far without Malinche (c. 1500-1550), an enslaved native woman who acted as his interpreter and was also the mother of one of his children. Be the first to answer this question. Their own societies were destabilised and depopulated. 3.0k. The actual conquest had terrible consequences for the native american poeple. Most of the Spanish conquistadors were very successful in their findings. Who doesn't love being #1? Possible answer: The good qualities of the conquistadors were that they were courageous and took tremendous risks in their explorationâ both in their personal safety and in their personal wealth. Many of the conquistadors who explored the New World were avid fans of popular romance novels and of some of the more ridiculous elements of historical popular culture. 76 comments. ThoughtCo, Aug. 28, 2020, Minster, Christopher. Ok, here’s the thing: Most Conquistadores, including Columbus, were real bastards, and a bunch of sonofbitches, even for a time much harder than today, where everyone dealt with death on a daily basis. Brady, Brees share special moment after playoff game. Reply. Log in. Dozens of expeditions set out, searching everywhere from the plains of North America to the jungles of South America. Sadly, this as always will give Christianity a bad name and hurt those it has affected. In Peru, Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro (1471–1541) demanded that the Incan Emperor Atahualpa (ca. They were severely outnumbered but their technology and diplomacy mitigated this. Just like families, some are better than others. Log in. You’d have to be a madman to look at King Leopold’s adventures in the Congo, for example, and conclude that the Belgians were awesome imperial overlords. Most were overcome by force of arms, granted. cahokia. When you find a good one, you will know that you are loved and accepted. But the Spanish Conquistadors were just as savage in their quests for gold and land. But they had already begun to rot from within. Actress dissed for protesting Trump removal from movie. mercilessly for gold (including killing Atahuapa, and Incan Order an Essay Check Prices. Why were Spanish Conquistadors so brutal towards indigenous? Without these thousands of native warriors fighting alongside them, these legendary conquistadors would certainly have failed. Log in. Log in. Quotes tagged as "conquistadors" Showing 1-10 of 10 “Then the hard, dry Spaniards came exploring through, greedy and realistic, and their greed was for gold … Join now. He is a former head writer at VIVA Travel Guides. also, something that had a negative affect on both sides, was desiese. The rumor of one last wealthy native kingdom known as El Dorado (The Golden One) proved so persistent that it was not until about 1800 that people stopped looking for it. Hard against the Portuguese frontier in the Spanish south-west, the region reckons itself the Land of Conquistadors. In 1492, Christopher Columbus discovered previously unknown lands to the west of Europe, and it wasn't long before the New World filled with colonists and adventurers looking to make a fortune. Register to get answer. Many new places were discovered. The first order to make the trip to the Americas were the Franciscans, led by Pedro de Gante. Our section was the Good and Bad of the age of exploration. Jl FilpoC / Wikimedia Commons / CC SA 4.0. Yes they were bad, I'm not too sure about Columbus, but the Conquistadors were as others have mentioned brutal. Man lived inside airport for 3 months before detection It should not be surprising, then, that squabbles between groups of these heavily-armed bandits should break out frequently. Possible answer: The good qualities of the conquistadors were that they were courageous and took tremendous risks in their explorationâ both in their personal safety and in their personal wealth. Spell. Write a paragraph in which you express what you think were the qualities, both good and bad, of the Spanish conquistadors. Accounts of events by the Spaniards and the natives are given. The good things were that new foods and animals were found. ThoughtCo uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience.