C47A (CAN-14) In the frequency band 27.35-28.35 GHz, use of spectrum for fixed service systems will be given priority over fixed-satellite service systems sharing this spectrum on a co-primary basis. 9.21 does not apply. 5.490 In Region 2, in the band 12.2-12.7 GHz, existing and future terrestrial radiocommunication services shall not cause harmful interference to the space services operating in conformity with the broadcasting-satellite Plan for Region 2 contained in Appendix 30. (WRC-03), 5.504A In the band 14-14.5 GHz, aircraft earth stations in the secondary aeronautical mobile-satellite service may also communicate with space stations in the fixed-satellite service. 5.289 Earth exploration-satellite service applications, other than the meteorological-satellite service, may also be used in the bands 460-470 MHz and 1 690-1 710 MHz for space-to-Earth transmissions subject to not causing harmful interference to stations operating in accordance with the Table. 5.447A and 5.447B shall coordinate on an equal basis in accordance with No. 5.132 The frequencies 4 210 kHz, 6 314 kHz, 8 416.5 kHz, 12 579 kHz, 16 806.5 kHz, 19 680.5 kHz, 22 376 kHz and 26 100.5 kHz are the international frequencies for the transmission of maritime safety information (MSI) (see Appendix 17). Preferably, the following carrier frequencies should be used: 2 065.0 kHz, 2 079.0 kHz, 2 082.5 kHz, 2 086.0 kHz, 2 093.0 kHz, 2 096.5 kHz, 2 100.0 kHz and 2 103.5 kHz. 4.10 do not apply with respect to the mobile-satellite service. and shall not cause harmful interference to stations of the radionavigation service operating in countries listed in No. 5.67. Space operation service: A radiocommunication service concerned exclusively with the operation of spacecraft, in particular space tracking, space telemetry and space telecommand. If you're just tuning around short wave and looking for stations, the official bands are definitely the place t… 5.392 Administrations are urged to take all practicable measures to ensure that space-to-space transmissions between two or more non-geostationary satellites, in the space research, space operations and Earth exploration-satellite services in the bands 2 025-2 110 MHz and 2 200-2 290 MHz, shall not impose any constraints on Earth-to-space, space-to-Earth and other space-to-space transmissions of those services and in those bands between geostationary and non-geostationary satellites. The use of these frequency bands in territorial waters is subject to the national regulations of the administration concerned. (WRC-07). The same applies to the frequencies 10 003 kHz, 14 993 kHz and 19 993 kHz, but in each of these cases emissions must be confined in a band of ±3 kHz about the frequency. Amateur-satellite service: A radiocommunication service using space stations on earth satellites for the same purpose as those of the amateur service. 5.379D For sharing of the band 1 668.4-1 675 MHz between the mobile-satellite service and the fixed and mobile services, Resolution 744 (Rev.WRC-07)shall apply. 5.372 Harmful interference shall not be caused to stations of the radio astronomy service using the band 1 610.6-1 613.8 MHz by stations of the radiodetermination-satellite and mobile-satellite services (No. It's also 5.364 The use of the band 1 610-1 626.5 MHz by the mobile-satellite service (Earth-to-space) and by the radiodetermination-satellite service (Earth-to-space) is subject to coordination under No. (WRC-15). Below the calling frequency are 146.505, 146.490, 146.475 MHz and on. Non-geostationary-satellite networks shall not cause unacceptable interference to geostationary fixed-satellite service networks for which complete Appendix 4 notification information is considered as having been received by the Bureau prior to 18 November 1995. C39A (CAN-05) The frequency band 5 725-5 825 MHz is designated for use by licence-exempt wireless local area networks and devices with established maximum power levels and based upon not interfering with, or claiming protection from, licensed services. Just type your zip code or city and state and click the Go button. (WRC-2000), 5.562H Use of the bands 174.8-182 GHz and 185-190 GHz by the inter-satellite service is limited to satellites in the geostationary-satellite orbit. Mobile-satellite service: A radiocommunication service: Radio astronomy service: A service involving the use of radio astronomy. 5.356 The use of the band 1 544-1 545 MHz by the mobile-satellite service (space-to-Earth) is limited to distress and safety communications (see Article 31). (WRC-15), 5.444A    The use of the allocation to the fixed-satellite service (Earth-to-space) in the frequency band 5 091-5 150 MHz is limited to feeder links of non-geostationary satellite systems in the mobile-satellite service and is subject to coordination under No. 5.318 Additional allocation: in Canada, the United States and Mexico, the bands 849-851 MHz and 894-896 MHz are also allocated to the aeronautical mobile service on a primary basis, for public correspondence with aircraft. Jan 16th, 2007 3:00 PM EST. 5.64 Only classes A1A or 5.529 The use of the bands 19.7-20.1 GHz and 29.5-29.9 GHz by the mobile-satellite service in Region 2 is limited to satellite networks which are both in the fixed-satellite service and in the mobile-satellite service as described in No. Geostationary satellites in the space research service operating in the frequency band 7 190-7 235 MHz shall not claim protection from existing and future stations of the fixed and mobile services and No. (WRC-12), The allocation to the Earth exploration-satellite service (passive) and the space research service (passive) in the band 50.2-50.4 GHz should not impose undue constraints on the use of the adjacent bands by the primary allocated services in those bands. (WRC-2000), 5.334 Additional allocation: in Canada and the United States, the band 1 350-1 370 MHz is also allocated to the aeronautical radionavigation service on a primary basis. Other users of the band are urged to give all practicable protection to this passive operation. In these Regulations, unless otherwise stated, any radiocommunication service relates to terrestrial radiocommunication. For sharing between stations of the meteorological aids service and stations in the radionavigation service submitted for notification after this date, the most recent version of Recommendation ITU-R RS.1881 should be applied. In the band 1 668.4-1 675 MHz, administrations are urged not to implement new systems in the meteorological aids service and are encouraged to migrate existing meteorological aids service operations to other bands as soon as practicable. 5.113 For the conditions for the use of the bands 2 300-2 495 kHz (2 498 kHz in Region 1), 3 200-3 400 kHz, 4 750-4 995 kHz and 5 005-5 060 kHz by the broadcasting service, see Nos. 5.286 The band 449.75-450.25 MHz may be used for the space operation service (Earth-to-space) and the space research service (Earth-to-space), subject to agreement obtained under No. (WRC-15), 5.475 The use of the band 9 300-9 500 MHz by the aeronautical radionavigation service is limited to airborne weather radars and ground-based radars. 5.536 Use of the 25.25-27.5 GHz band by the inter-satellite service is limited to space research and Earth exploration-satellite applications, and also transmissions of data originating from industrial and medical activities in space. (WRC-07), 5.208 The use of the band 137-138 MHz by the mobile-satellite service is subject to coordination under No. This identification does not preclude the use of this band by any application of the services to which it is allocated and does not establish priority in the Radio Regulations. Such use shall be in accordance with Resolution 424 (WRC-15). 5.447B Additional allocation: the band 5 150-5 216 MHz is also allocated to the fixed-satellite service (space-to-Earth) on a primary basis. Terrestrial radiocommunication: Any radiocommunication other than space radiocommunication or radio astronomy. C16E (CAN-18) In the frequency band 18.3-19.3 GHz, the use of this band by the fixed-satellite service has priority over the use by the fixed service. This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. (WRC-15). Administrations are urged to take all practicable steps to prevent harmful interference to the radio astronomy service from emissions in the 2 483.5-2 500 MHz band, especially those caused by second-harmonic radiation that would fall into the 4 990-5 000 MHz band allocated to the radio astronomy service worldwide. 5.506A In the band 14-14.5 GHz, ship earth stations with an e.i.r.p. No. Satellite networks operated under No. (WRC-15). The conditions for the use of these frequencies are prescribed in Article 31. 9.21. (WRC-2000). Canadian amateur operations shall not cause interference to fixed and mobile operations in Canada or in other countries and, if such interference occurs, the amateur service may be required to cease operations. The Government of Canada has priority on the use of this band. Broadcasting-satellite service: A radiocommunication service in which signals transmitted or retransmitted by space stations are intended for direct reception by the general public. C13A (CAN-09) Additional allocation: The frequency band 2 320-2 345 MHz is also designated to the broadcasting-satellite service (sound) and complementary terrestrial broadcasting service on a primary basis. (WRC-15), 5.328B The use of the bands 1 164-1 300 MHz, 1 559-1 610 MHz and 5 010-5 030 MHz by systems and networks in the radionavigation-satellite service for which complete coordination or notification information, as appropriate, is received by the Radiocommunication Bureau after 1 January 2005 is subject to the application of the provisions of Nos. This is the same deviation as for FM radio broadcast. C17 (CAN-03) In the frequency band 2 300-2 360 MHz, mobile aeronautical telemetry services may be authorized on a secondary basis on certain military bases and vicinities where it does not constrain the implementation of wireless communication services and other services. Welcome to Radio-Locator.com, the most trusted AM and FM radio station search engine on the internet. Any such use does not preclude the use of this band by other mobile service applications or by other services to which this band is allocated on a co-primary basis and does not establish priority in the Radio Regulations. Beginning October 1, 2017, fixed service systems may continue to operate in these bands, but shall not cause harmful interference to government systems operating in the aeronautical mobile service. Safety service: Any radiocommunication service used permanently or temporarily for the safeguarding of human life and property. Unused FM Frequencies. Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0H5 Administrations are encouraged to make all practicable efforts to discontinue the use of these bands by the fixed and mobile services prior to the transition date. in accordance with Recommendation ITU-R S.1340-0. Region 3 consists of those countries generally found on the continent of Asia and in Oceania, as well as the country of Iran. Such use is not in accordance with international frequency allocations. 5.286D, 455-456 MHz and 459-460 MHz in Region 2, and 454-456 MHz and 459-460 MHz in the countries listed in No. 5.470 The use of the band 8 750-8 850 MHz by the aeronautical radionavigation service is limited to airborne Doppler navigation aids on a centre frequency of 8 800 MHz. 5.365 The use of the band 1 613.8-1 626.5 MHz by the mobile-satellite service (space-to-Earth) is subject to coordination under No. 5.526. 5.357 Transmissions in the band 1 545-1 555 MHz from terrestrial aeronautical stations directly to aircraft stations, or between aircraft stations, in the aeronautical mobile (R) service are also authorized when such transmissions are used to extend or supplement the satellite-to-aircraft links. Now, a small number of Canadian stations are testing out HD Radio, a different kind of digital radio technology. (WRC-2000), 5.561A The 81-81.5 GHz band is also allocated to the amateur and amateur-satellite services on a secondary basis. C52 (CAN-00) Use of the frequency band 47.2-48.2 GHz by High Altitude Platform Systems (HAPS) will be governed by spectrum utilization policies which will be formulated in the future. 5.389C The use of the bands 2 010-2 025 MHz and 2 160-2 170 MHz in Region 2 by the mobile-satellite service is subject to coordination under No. (WRC-15). These definitions and provisions are extracted from the ITU Radio Regulations. In exceptional circumstances, however, an earth station at a specified fixed point in any of the mobile-satellite services may be authorized by an administration to communicate via space stations using these bands. Aeronautical radionavigation-satellite service: A radionavigation-satellite service in which earth stations are located on board aircraft. Highest frequency band; common to find stations using it every day. The control/mobile frequency is not … In Region 2, Resolution 743 (WRC-03)shall apply. 5.471. C24A (CAN-18) In Canada, within the frequency range 470 - 698 MHz, the frequency band 614 - 698 MHz is identified for International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT). The provisions of No. The following is a list of radio stations in the Canadian province of Ontario, as of 2020.. In addition, in Afghanistan, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Botswana, Burkina Faso, the Central African Rep., China, the Russian Federation, Georgia, India, Kazakhstan, Mali, Niger, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Chad, Turkmenistan and Ukraine, in the bands 4 063-4 123 kHz, 4 130-4 133 kHz and 4 408-4 438 kHz, stations in the fixed service, with a mean power not exceeding 1 kW, can be operated on condition that they are situated at least 600 km from the coast and that harmful interference is not caused to the maritime mobile service. (WRC-07). 5.284 Additional allocation: in Canada, the band 440-450 MHz is also allocated to the amateur service on a secondary basis. 5.286E, by stations in the mobile-satellite service, shall not cause harmful interference to, or claim protection from, stations of the fixed or mobile services operating in accordance with the Table of Frequency Allocations. In the frequency band 220-222 MHz, the amateur service may be permitted in exceptional circumstances on a secondary basis to assist in disaster relief efforts. If you are in a position to do so, you might want to consider a similar allocation for these frequencies in Canada. (WRC-07). (WRC-2000), 5.556 In the bands 51.4-54.25 GHz, 58.2-59 GHz and 64-65 GHz, radio astronomy observations may be carried out under national arrangements. (WRC-2000), 5.555 Additional allocation: the band 48.94-49.04 GHz is also allocated to the radio astronomy service on a primary basis. 5.530A Unless otherwise agreed between the administrations concerned, any station in the fixed or mobile services of an administration shall not produce a power flux-density in excess of –120.4 dB(W/(m2 ∙ MHz)) at 3 m above the ground of any point of the territory of any other administration in Regions 1 and 3 for more than 20% of the time. 5.528 The allocation to the mobile-satellite service is intended for use by networks which use narrow spot-beam antennas and other advanced technology at the space stations. 1.83). 9.21. (WRC-2000), 5.386 Additional allocation: the frequency band 1 750-1 850 MHz is also allocated to the space operation (Earth- to-space) and space research (Earth-to-space) services in Region 2, (except in Mexico), in Australia, Guam, India, Indonesia and Japan on a primary basis, subject to agreement obtained under No. 9.12 for coordination with other non-geostationary-satellite systems in the fixed-satellite service. 5.447D The allocation of the band 5 250-5 255 MHz to the space research service on a primary basis is limited to active spaceborne sensors. 5.367 Additional allocation: The frequency band 1 610-1 626.5 MHz is also allocated to the aeronautical mobile-satellite (R) service on a 5.393 that may affect the services to which this band is allocated in other countries shall be coordinated and notified in accordance with Resolution 33 (Rev.WRC-97). C20 (CAN-14) In the frequency band 3 500-3 650 MHz, the fixed-satellite earth-stations will be located in areas so as not to constrain the implementation of fixed wireless access and mobile systems. 1 452-1 492 MHz, Non-geostationary-satellite systems in the fixed-satellite service shall not claim protection from geostationary-satellite networks in the fixed-satellite service operating in accordance with the Radio Regulations, irrespective of the dates of receipt by the Bureau of the complete coordination or notification information, as appropriate, for the non-geostationary-satellite systems in the fixed-satellite service and of the complete coordination or notification information, as appropriate, for the geostationary-satellite networks, and No. (WRC-07), 5.73 The band 285-325 kHz (283.5-325 kHz in Region 1) in the maritime radionavigation service may be used to transmit supplementary navigational information using narrow-band techniques, on condition that no harmful interference is caused to radiobeacon stations operating in the radionavigation service. 9.11A. Furthermore, use of the radionavigation-satellite service in the band 1 215-1 300 MHz shall be subject to the condition that no harmful interference is caused to the radiolocation service. (WRC-2000), 5.328A Stations in the radionavigation-satellite service in the band 1 164-1 215 MHz shall operate in accordance with the provisions of Resolution 609 (Rev.WRC-07) and shall not claim protection from stations in the aeronautical radionavigation service in the band 960-1 215 MHz. C45 In the frequency band 17.7-17.8 GHz, Canadian stations in the fixed service shall not claim protection from and shall not cause harmful interference to Canadian stations operating in the broadcasting-satellite service after 1 April 2007. (WRC-15), 5.394 In the United States, the use of the band 2 300-2 390 MHz by the aeronautical mobile service for telemetry has priority over other uses by the mobile services. 2 655-2 690 MHz, C16C (CAN-00) The use of the frequency bands 10.7-10.95 GHz in the space-to-Earth direction and 13.0-13.15 GHz and 13.2-13.25 GHz in the Earth-to-space direction by the fixed-satellite service, includes feeder links for mobile-satellite space stations. Radio direction-finding: Radiodetermination using the reception of radio waves for the purpose of determining the direction of a station or object. (WRC-07). Resolution 608 (WRC-03) shall apply. When using frequencies in these services, administrations are urged to use the minimum power required and to take account of the seasonal use of frequencies by the broadcasting service published in accordance with the Radio Regulations. (WRC-03). (WRC-15), 5.297 Additional allocation: in Canada, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, the United States, Guatemala, Guyana and Jamaica, the frequency band 512-608 MHz is also allocated to the fixed and mobile services on a primary basis, subject to agreement obtained under No. Complementary terrestrial broadcasting stations shall be subject to bilateral coordination with neighbouring countries prior to their bringing into use. Mobile-satellite systems shall not cause unacceptable interference to, or claim protection from, aeronautical mobile-satellite (R) service communications with priority 1 to 6 in Article 44. best not to pick a frequency that's too close to a strong FM station. C2 (CAN-14) Scientific researchers using frequencies below 8.3 kHz are urged to advise the Department in order that such research may be afforded all practicable protection from harmful interference. (WRC-12), 5.443D In the frequency band 5 030-5 091 MHz, the aeronautical mobile-satellite (R) service is subject to coordination under No. Radionavigation-satellite service: A radiodetermination-satellite service used for the purpose of radionavigation. 5.33), subject to agreement obtained under No. Aeronautical radionavigation service: A radionavigation service intended for the benefit and for the safe operation of aircraft. 9.11A, but not subject to the provisions of No. 5.487A Additional allocation: in Region 1, the band 11.7-12.5 GHz, in Region 2, the band 12.2-12.7 GHz and, in Region 3, the band 11.7-12.2 GHz, are also allocated to the fixed-satellite service (space-to-Earth) on a primary basis, limited to non-geostationary systems and subject to application of the provisions of No. C16J (CAN-14) Domestic implementation of non-geostationary fixed-satellite services in the bands 11.45-12.2 GHz, 13.75-14.5 GHz, 19.7-20.2 GHz and 29.5-30.0 GHz will be required to conform to the applicable ITU Radio Regulations and operating criteria for sharing between services and systems in these bands. The amateur service in Canada may not claim protection from interference by the fixed and mobile operations of other countries. Radiocommunication services operating within these bands must accept harmful interference which may be caused by these applications. After a few years, both were replaced by religious stations, Radio Maria and Groot Nieuws Radio which had both reduced power by the start of 2015. Formerly known as Mobile Aeronautical Telemetry Systems (MATS), Broadcasting and telecommunications regulation, Spectrum management and telecommunications, Canadian Table of Frequency Allocations (2018 Edition), ic.spectrumengineering-genieduspectre.ic@canada.ca. (WRC-97), 5.286AA The band 450-470 MHz is identified for use by administrations wishing to implement International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT). 5.43 and 5.43A apply. By RyanKeslord17, November 1, 2013 in Off-Topic General. The footnote references which appear to the right of the name of a service are applicable only to that particular service. The complete set of Canadian footnotes to the Canadian Table of Frequency Allocations is listed hereafter. (WRC-97). People's Rep. of Korea, Slovakia, the United Kingdom, Serbia, Slovenia, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Togo, Turkey, Venezuela and Viet Nam, the band 1 215-1 300 MHz is also allocated to the radionavigation service on a primary basis. Spectrum policies have traditionally designated the use of a radio service to certain applications in a particular frequency band, or bands. 9.11A. Such satellite use is subject to agreement obtained under No. Additional channels for these devices may be assigned by administrations in the bands between 3 155 kHz and 3 400 kHz to suit local needs. 9.11A with non-geostationary-satellite networks for which notification information has been received by the Bureau prior to that date, with a view to reaching results acceptable to all the parties concerned. Radiodetermination: The determination of the position, velocity and/or other characteristics of an object, or the obtaining of information relating to these parameters, by means of the propagation properties of radio waves. WRC-07). Any recomendations on which fm frequency to use with an fm transmitter, the so called clear find thing built into the transmitter chooses stations with other signals on them already Posted via RS Mobile. C16  In the frequency band 10.7-10.95 GHz, users of the fixed-satellite service are urged, in their planning of operations, to give all practicable protection to the passive operations in the adjacent band 10.6-10.7 GHz. In Argentina and Uruguay, the carrier frequencies 2 068.5 kHz and 2 075.5 kHz are also used for this purpose, while the frequencies within the band 2 072-2 075.5 kHz are used as provided in No. In some cases however, spectrum utilization policy provisions exist for one service but not another co-primary service allocated in a given band. (WRC-97), 5.559B The use of the frequency band 77.5-78 GHz by the radiolocation service shall be limited to short-range radar for ground-based applications, including automotive radars. Standard frequency and time signal-satellite service: A radiocommunication service using space stations on earth satellites for the same purposes as those of the standard frequency and time signal service. (WRC-12), 5.444 The frequency band 5 030-5 150 MHz is to be used for the operation of the international standard system (microwave landing system) for precision approach and landing. It should be noted that some of the international footnotes applicable to Canada have been suppressed in the Canadian Table in favour of a specific Canadian footnote which incorporates, in part, the ITU provisions and responds to specific Canadian spectrum requirements. This limit may be exceeded, subject to agreement obtained under No. audio device. Advertisement 12-26-2010, 06:20 PM #2: Gh0stRider. C16D (CAN-18) In the frequency bands 17.8-18.3 GHz and 19.3-19.7 GHz, the use of these bands by the fixed service has priority over the use by the fixed-satellite service. secondary services are printed in “normal characters” (example: Amateur). 5.516B), administrations should further take into account potential constraints to high-density applications in the fixed service, as appropriate. 9.12 for coordination with other non-geostationary-satellite systems in the fixed-satellite service. aeronautical telemetry transmissions from aircraft stations (see No. 5.43). C41A (CAN-04) In the frequency band 14-14.5 GHz, the use of mobile-satellite allocation, on a secondary basis, shall be limited to those mobile earth stations which operate with space stations in the fixed-satellite service. 5.535A The use of the band 29.1-29.5 GHz (Earth-to-space) by the fixed-satellite service is limited to geostationary-satellite systems and feeder links to non-geostationary-satellite systems in the mobile-satellite service. Such use of feeder links is reserved for countries outside Europe. Radiodetermination services shall not impose on the mobile service more stringent protection criteria, based on system characteristics and interference criteria, than those stated in Recommendation ITU-R M.1638-0. 9.11A. Non-geostationary-satellite systems in the fixed-satellite service in the above bands shall be operated in such a way that any unacceptable interference that may occur during their operation shall be rapidly eliminated. List of radio stations broadcasting in the Montreal region, associated with hyperlinks to listen to them online.