This is not just your love but this is an example of divine love that others can see to follow suit. YOU NEED VAST EXPANSES OF MERIT. As we walk together I feel that I am the child that looks up to him and I am welcomed with this beautiful smile of acceptance that I am doing the right thing. I only kept a couple of thing from the weeks I shated with him, that linked me with him in the physical real. A night or two later as I lay alone in my bed wide awake reading I started to notice a series of subtle energy currents running through my body. The true twin flame is falling forever in love and bliss with Yourself – with All! My only guess is because I met him during a sexual experience. So, I cut all the contact with him, blocked him, erased all the memories, pictures, emails, decided not to pronunce him name never again as if he didn’t exist. some of these things have already taken place. I want to be alone. It’s a lot a lot of work to control your mind and only come from Source. Even to the bathroom we go together. I wanted to do something with meaning. I speak from my Soul. That is the three flames at the heart twin flame die bards read about. Whether its healing or relationship help, the SU mission is to help every soul find their path. I smiled as I realised I was also filled with this light. It is what it is “ETERNAL”. Another can only remind us of this Union. Spirituality is the Source of our existence. I feel my TF, and I crave her more and more, yet, I feel that I am with her. Your latent psychic talents will appear. Personally I found that learning to channel the energy by being attuned to Reiki helped me ground myself and approach the incoming energy in a much more balanced manner. This is why ‘twin flame’ relationships often don’t last – they are only meant to spark you into remembering your Divine nature otherwise you’d become obsessed with the other, halting your advancement in the remembrance of Self. I felt stupid. Thanks, Time passed by. Our Ego trips will come to an end eventually and all we will have left is the truth of who we really are. I was very insecure. I just don’t know what to do as I really want to see him. The many signs that come out of the blues must only be to tell me that I must stay put and believe that The Source has more installed for US. This journey has made me realize that I have a lot of inner issues to deal with and sometimes I can’t stand my twin. I have had to surrender, in All ways to give US both, time to work on ourselves and get our lives in order to be able to create the best of all chances for reunion. I found a sibling today! We expand from carnal or earthly love into Divine love. this is music and words but it sure tells you what path you both need to see and visualise. I am a mess at the moment. later in my situation that i was in, i had no where else to go and i was not safe. Started feeling him inside me, started listening his voice in his language in my head. I had that lingering question as well. My question is, did he feel that energy too? She is NOT in her marriage now. Currently I’ve asked the universe for a sign that this is indeed my twin flame but deep down I know it is. I have so many questions, I can’t help it!! I am experiencing something so similar to all you describe. No he didn’t practice kundalini, no he didn’t have the same experience, for him it was an intense physical interaction and that is all it was. I am not comparing the pain that Jesus felt. Thanks for reading my article. amazing. It may just be the common ground for you to build on. As the Twins adjust and balance their energies on all levels these entwine and form one single being– with the physical level often being the final icing on the cake. Twin Flames are a unit, a single cell from the Source embodied in two bodies of different polarities: male and female. Sometimes I feel alone, since I came on here and heard your experiences I said why not. Good luck but life is a very, very kind entity yet, We must all surrender to the higher source. The sooner you can accept this and move on the sooner you can be happy and untangled from the constant thoughts of your TF. This is the only way I have found comfort from the kundalini/ TF experience. It is with every moment in the journey. Can You? Our feelings rise to the surface, accompanied by crying, raging, being easily moved to tears etc. Interfering with his life? I thought he was faking everyting, that he was playing with me. we are the exact opposites of one another. I understand the doubt, but I also understand myself and the signs I am getting. All I feel and know in my hearts that my creator is the true Life and eternity in motion of this amazing life that is so so beautiful beyond the physical ecstasy. I am hurting but I am at Peace with my creator now after many mistakes. Yet, like you said, my love is within me always and such love is undescribable! Nirmal Beyond the beyond of transcendence. Thanks again. The overwhelming pressure on our energetic body caused by the meeting with our Twin Flame and everything this brings to surface to be cleared causes our kundalini to rise faster than it otherwise would. I wanted to write an email as we used to do. God gives us what we need sometimes and not neccessarily what we want. A Twin Flame connection doesn't fade but rather, it purifies itself as you progress into the energy merging with your Twin Flame to fully embody your Shared Energy of Oneness. I need or want no other.” I am contented. The twin flame merging process starts the moment one twin flame locks their eyes with the other. Rather, we are given a glimpse of a higher reality which is now within our view and reach, and we are given the tools to get there, but we still have all our baggage to shed and internal work to do. The truth is that we must work on ourselves as we cannot make them see what we see. My twin flame is still in his ego, he has friends who doesn’t even know what love is, they just want my twin to get in trouble. He was attractive, he could be with any woman, at least, I thought it. Now we rise together and serve our joint purpose. I decided he needed to move up and me too. So in a way I am not really lacking anything. This tie -heart to heart- is their way of communication and contact. We will show everyone that men are nurturing and responsible. Because anything is possible with energy.. Was this really my life; is this really what it’s supposed to be like? The Love is always more than the pain. I feel that I am in Elysium already, as part of me is so calm and contented to be with The Source. I more so have had to realise and the Source has given me plenty of reasons and signs that I need to believe and have faith. We saw each other again and it was a mess because it was as if he didn’t want to see me.