Which branch of government is represented in this cartoon? New rulers were sent in by Paris. Title The "Strong" government 1869-1877--The "weak" government 1877-1881 / J.A. Once groups have had a chance to analyze their assigned political cartoon, the class will come together to discuss the political cartoons and how the ideas of big government versus small government are present in them. All of this, you will recall, came on the heels of the government's antitrust crusade against the Standard Oil "monopoly." According to the artist, what was the difference between Presidents Ulysses S. Grant and Rutherford B. Hayes in how they dealt with the South during and immediately after Reconstruction? Then answer why it is important to consider different perspectives when investigating issues. Get an answer for 'Analyze the political cartoon "The 'Strong' Government" (1869-1877). ' © 2021 Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs. How would Hayes' non-interventionist policies have impacted both the makeup of Southern governments and the civil and political rights gained by African Americans during Reconstruction. What is the connection among sectionalism, slavery, and states’right as causes of the civil war? What are they? June 20, 1971 Reproduction of … Answers: 3 Show answers Other questions on the subject: History. This political cartoon, along with this cartoon of Jackson garbed like an English King, depict the president as a man with a self-motivated duty, ruling like either a king or fabulous hero from myth, despite the reality of the situation being very different. how did the southern response to … To analyze political cartoons, start by looking at the picture and identifying the main focus of the cartoon, which will normally be exaggerated for comic effect. What do you see in the cartoon? Using only the details from the cartoon, what main point do you think the cartoonist was trying to make. Cartoon Analysis. 4. 1. Who is the figure depicted in the cartoon? Cartoon Collections. In terms of the three rhetorical strategies, the political cartoon portrays logos, ethos, and pathos very well. He also ordered the Justice Department to increase their efforts to identify, arrest and prosecute members of violent white mobs, including the Ku Klux Klan. They are also most often funny. The cartoon is followed by 4 analysis and critical thinking questions. Wales," 1880. Distribute “The repeal, or the funeral of Miss Ame=Stamp” (PDF, 863 KB) to each student, along with the Primary Source Analysis Tool (PDF, 79 KB). Political cartoons have a rich history that is as interesting as the cartoons are visually entertaining. No obligation! In this lesson, high school students learn to evaluate political cartoons for their meaning, message, and persuasiveness. 'The Strong Government/The Weak Government.' You can save the cartoons! Table of Contents Analyzing Political Cartoons (Student Worksheet) Monsters Under … Designed and developed by the Education Staff, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC 20408 List the objects or people you see in the cartoon. 'The "Strong" Government 1869-1877. A white man, presumably a land owner, is drawn giving orders to an African-American, presumably a sharecropper or tenant farmer. Recently, a US’s spy called Snowden escaped to Hong Kong and unveiled the secret ways of the surveillance of the US government to the mass media. What is a presidential veto? Group Discussion. Discuss with them some questions they might want to think about as they analyze the document, such as how animals often represent other objects in political cartoons. Zoom into a more detailed image of this cartoon. Revolution and the New Nation (1754-1820s), Development of the Industrial United States (1870-1900), Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945), Contemporary United States (1968 to the present), Votes for Women Digital Education Package, "The 'Strong' Government 1869-1877 -- The 'Weak' Government 1877-1881," 1880. In opposing corruption, suppression of rights and abuse of government office, the political cartoon has always served as a special prod -- a reminder to public servants that they ARE public servants. Political Cartoon Analysis Worksheet Name: Visuals List the objects or people you see in the cartoon Put a mark next to the objects that are symbols List what you think each symbol means Did the cartoonist exaggerate any of the objects or the physical features of a person or people in the cartoon… The cartoon was a warning during the French and Indian War. Latest news, headlines, analysis, photos and videos on Political Cartoons Abstract. Choose ONE (1) the following four 2020 political cartoon and answer the questions posed. In the cartoon the target is the people(U.S. citizens). Below is one suggested format or protocol you can use to analyze political cartoons. Political Cartoon Analysis US Government / Economics Coach Searcy Cartoon Name: “Return to Normal” Max Score: 10pts Cartoon Name: “COVID-19 Bailout” Max Score: 15pts political cartoons, we encourage you to visit www.politicalcartoons.com — a comprehensive website that includes lesson plans and classroom resources on a wide array of subjects. 5. They then access an online activity to learn about the artistic techniques cartoonists … 0Make people think about political, societal, or governmental issues 0Emphasizes one side of an issue 0Uses humor and drawings to make its point 0Play an important part in telling the history of a given period of time Political cartoons historically and currently play a significant role in public discourse about serious and important issues. Wales. Reconstruction, in U.S. history, the period (1865–77) that followed the American Civil War and during which attempts were made to redress the inequities of slavery and its political, social, and economic legacy and to solve the problems arising from the readmission to the Union of the 11 states that had seceded at or before the outbreak of war. 'The "Strong" Government 1869-1877. 3. Central government has a say in the allocation of funds, resources and powers to the states in India. 'Puck' cartoon, 12 May 1880. Cartoon showing the 'Solid South' carrying Ulysses S. Grant in a carpet bag and Rutherford B. Hayes plowing under the carpet bag. Political Cartoon Analysis Guide Directions: There are many different ways to analyze political cartoons. American Cartoon, 1880, Comparing The Reconstruction Policies Of President Ulysses S. Grant (left) And Rutherford B. Hayes. CARTOON: RECONSTRUCTION. King Andrew the First is one of the most famous political cartoons of all time. This protocol breaks down cartoons into four areas of analysis - visuals, words, actions, and meaning . In this 1879 cartoon, Bengough depicts politics as theatre, with Macdonald performing roles -- including several villains -- from Shakespearean tragedy. indicate an endorsement by the Library of Congress. 9) AP Government & Politics Disciplinary Practices (College Board, Fall 2018) - 20 10) Course Grading Policy /Scoring Components – 21 11) Summative Assessments (Typical Assignments) - 22 12) Homework Assessment (Typical Assignments) – 22 13) Current Event Report Form Guidelines – 23 14) Political Cartoon Analysis Form Guidelines – 24 "However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion." Illustration by Michael Ramirez for Creators Syndicate. “The “Strong” government 1869-1877–The “weak” government 1877-1881.” 1880. Political Cartoon Analysis The political cartoon entitled, “What a Funny Little Government” was created in 1899 to show humor toward the monopolies power over the government during the Progressive movement. The story of the first viral image in American political history began in May 1754, when Franklin, then the … The "Weak" Government 1877-1881.' Political Cartoons And I almost died ... Shares . From Granger - Historical Picture Archive. Shares . If any one party fails to get a majority, they are left with no option but to form a coalition government. Courtesy of Library of Congress. A Semiotic Analysis of Political Cartoons . Beginning in the late 1800s with the challenge to the "spoils system" of machine politics, progressivism gathered momentum between 1900 and 1916, as the desire for reform permeated the minds of the American people. Explain how you think each creator would respond to the other’s source. In this famous cartoon, Jackson slays a many-headed monster populated with human faces. Title: The "Strong" government 1869-1877--The "weak" government 1877-1881 / J.A. They used their economic power to get their way politically , and forced state and federal legislatures to increase GET OUR FREE DAILY CARTOON EMAIL NEWSLETTER! “The “Strong” government 1869-1877–The “weak” government 1877-1881.” 1880. Cynthia Bailey Lee . Close this module. What controversial action did President Jackson take in 1832-33 that is the subject of this cartoon? US News is a recognized leader in college, grad school, hospital, mutual fund, and car rankings. Hayes followed through only a few months into his presidency, and as a result, the remaining southern state Republican governments collapsed, southern Democrats regained control of southern politics and forced out African Americans and carpetbaggers, new state constitutions were written and laws passed and the gains made for African American civil and political rights were crushed. Political cartoon, a drawing (often including caricature) made for the purpose of conveying editorial commentary on politics, politicians, and current events.Such cartoons play a role in the political discourse of a society that provides for freedom of speech and of the press. Instructional Strategies: Direct Instruction Political Cartoon Analysis. By: Leila "The Solid South" is seen struggling under the "Carpet Bag and Bayonet Rule" of the "Strong" United States Under this "Weak" government, the New South is depicted and factories and fields thrive in the background. As I began to collect documents for this lesson, I … Cartoons on the Republican Party. Republican Rutherford B. Hayes placated Democratic leaders in Congress by agreeing to create what would become known as the Compromise of 1877. This Immigration Political Cartoon Analysis activity for US History includes 11 primary source political cartoons from between 1869 and 1941 for students to analyze. 0In the late 1800's an increase in newspaper and magazine circulation caused a rise of political cartoons. See the best political cartoons lampooning politics, congress, gun rights and US leaders. How did the artist draw these images to prove this point? Finally, the classical semiotic study of contrasts between signs in sign systems was shown to characterize a common practice in political cartoons. Wales. American Cartoon, 1880, Comparing The Reconstruction Policies Of President Ulysses S. Grant (left) And Rutherford B. Hayes. Official site of The Week Magazine, offering commentary and analysis of the day's breaking news and current events as well as arts, entertainment, people and gossip, and political cartoons. Professor Joseph Goguen . Find a contemporary political cartoon that, on the surface, represents two sides of an issue. 2. In exchange for conceding the presidency to Hayes, he would withdraw the remaining federal troops from the South whose support were essential for the survival of Republican state governments in Florida, Louisiana and South Carolina. government's request for a permanent injunction. Belgian men were drafted into the French wars and heavily taxed. This product works well as a do now, an in-cl Using only the details from the cartoon, what main point do you think the cartoonist was trying to make. The decisions students make about social and political issues are often influenced by what they hear, see, and read in the news. The problem with free money is that it leads to an addiction much like an addition to drugs. The use of political and editorial cartoons in the classroom can have multiple benefits. Political Cartoon Analysis By:Leila Jones . Republican Civil War hero Ulysses S. Grant used the powers of the 1870 and 1871 Enforcement Acts to send federal troops into the South to protect the civil and voting rights of African Americans when he became president.