The Hellstorm Cannon is a huge, five-barrelled, directed-energy weapon typically mounted on a Warlord-class Titan that can completely decimate an entire city in just one cataclysmic salvo. The Plasma Pistol is most commonly carried by the officers of both the Space Marines and the Imperial Guard. As a bolt weapon, the Bolt Pistol is favoured over the Laspistol due to its improved killing ability, although it is less reliable and generally holds fewer shots in its magazine than a Laspistol. Imperial Guard Chimeras and Sentinels are among the few vehicles that are known to mount Multilasers. Melta, flamer, and plasma weapons, along with heavy bolters, power blades, and a few other items of wargear, have also undergone changes that will be reflected across the whole game. The effect is generally non-lethal and can be used to incapacitate foes who need to be captured alive, but the power of the Grav-gun's highest settings is sufficient to rupture organs and crack bones even inside armour. A Grav-cannon mounted on a Rapier deployed by the Iron Hands Legion during the Horus Heresy. When it comes in contact with an Astartes' Power Armour it creates a shockwave that causes the servos in the armour to malfunction, effectively paralyzing the victim. Compared to other Imperial heavy weapons, there are very few units that are capable of carrying assault cannons due to the structural requirements of their mass, bulk, ammunition consumption, and, more than a self-propelled bolt weapon, its heavy recoil relative to its power. It is described as the the pinnacle of current. The Grav-gun is the two-handed rifle variant of the Grav-weapon employed by the Adeptus Astartes. Share in the comments below! Every Astartes carries a Bolter lovingly handcrafted by the Artificers of his Chapter's Armoury or of one of the Adeptus Mechanicus Forge Worlds. The "rapid" fire mode allows for a larger volume of shots to be fired more quickly, but at a reduction in strength and area-of-effect. Sometimes it is said to work by producing a small-scale fusion reaction using a pyrum petrol fuel mix. Older Plasma Weapons (known as Mark I) still had the potential to overheat dangerously. They are possible secondary weapons for some Space Marine vehicles as well, such as Dreadnoughts and Land Speeder Tornadoes. #40000 #40k #armor #armour #dreadnaught #space_marine #terminator #warhammer £16.75. The rarest grenade in the Imperium, the Psyk-Out Grenade is rumoured to be produced from a psychic by-product collected from the Emperor's Golden Throne. The Incinerator is a specialised Heavy Flamer variant seen primarily in use amongst the forces of the Inquisition. An Anti-Plant Grenade is a small hand-held explosive containing a potent herbicide which kills all plant life within its blast radius, thereby removing the enemy's cover. It is a high strength, solid slug weapon. A Virus Grenade is a grenade designed for biological warfare. Whenever appropriate, the history of the weapon is described, including some of the more notable units or individuals that are known to use that weapon. The Grav-cannon is a large, vehicle-mounted type of Grav-weapon employed by the Adeptus Astartes. Warhammer 40K: Bladeguard Veterans vs Terminator Assault Squads Adam Harrison 4 Minute Read February 3 With the new Bladeguard Veterans Kit finally out it’s time to compare them to the closest unit in the codex with a similar role – Terminator Assault Squads! The weapon is, however, bulky and cumbersome over broken ground or swamp terrain. After that it’s all melee options. A more complex variant of the Battle Cannon, the technology to create the Vanquisher Cannon is held by only a few Imperial Forge Worlds, although new patterns are slowly being designed. They are described as having crystal batteries. This weapon fires blasts of anti-psychic power from the eye on the Assassins' Etherium Mask, draining nearby psykers of their connection to Warp energy to increase its own power. It is commonly used in conjunction with a close combat weapon by Space Marine officers, Veterans and Assault Squads to make them into melee combat specialists. And that’s the Tartaros Terminators. While Chaos Space Marines do not have Artificer Armour (a type of Power Armour which is well-crafted so that it affords better protection), the Traitor Legions have access to Daemon Armour mutated by the powers of Chaos that is similar in protection to the Artificer Armour available to Loyalist Space Marines. Among the largest versions of Plasma Cannons, Plasma Blastguns are the main weaponry of Stormblade super-heavy tanks. Sanctifier Grenades are used by Inquisitors of the Ordo Malleus to destroy daemons. A Tactical Squad would have 12 attacks at 4 0 1, while the Terminators have 11 attacks with 8 being Chainfists at 8 -3 D3 and -1 to hit, and 3 being 4 -3 1. A more sophisticated type of smoke grenade, the Blind Grenade emits infra-red bafflers and broad-band spectrum electro-magnetic radiation in addition to smoke, to blind not only normal eyesight but also artificial sight aids. However, the weapon is also used elsewhere. It was used by the Tanith First and Only, Elysian Drop Troops, Catachan Jungle Fighters and Inquisitor Gregor Eisenhorn. Further still, the Chaos Space Marines have extremely limited access to modern-pattern Jump Packs (which were designed shortly prior to the outbreak of the Heresy), and no access to Assault Cannons, Psycannons or the special ammunition types for Bolters (except Inferno Bolts), as all of these were invented after the Heresy. Both kinds of space marine grenade designs are described as "micro-grenades" and are apparently smaller. Space Marine Scout Squads are also known to use shotguns during their missions. This is a great bit for use in conversions. The Defence Laser name was introduced in Rogue Trader but in the more recent editions of Warhammer 40,000 it seems to have been replaced by the more specific Volcano or Nova Cannons. Holy Orbs of Antioch are lethal weapons against the impure and wicked servants of the Ruinous Powers of Chaos and the daemons of the Warp. It is used mostly by the Grey Knights Chapter. The weapon fires a laser bolt like the Lasgun, which, a millisecond later, is followed by a needle. Dreadnought close combat weapons are usually found on Space Marine Dreadnoughts. Many Laspistols have power packs mounted in front of the pistol's grip rather than within the grip itself, so that heat from the power cell can be quickly dissipated and the power cell quickly changed when depleted. The Arbitrators of the Adeptus Arbites also use the shotgun for crowd control in congested urban conditions and have developed special "Executioner" shells for them. Orks have a specific analog of the Flamer, the Burna. Some Imperial armouries hold ancient swords of such high quality they strike as potently as a Power Sword though they possess no energy field emitters. Though there are numerous patterns, the principal shape of an Imperial Grenade Launcher is universal. It is armed with a potent quad Lascannon commonly known as the Laser Destroyer. In smaller weapons, this gas would be generated when substances from two canisters mix together. The only foot infantry known to carry them include Sisters of Battle, Space Marine Devastators, Legionaries of the Damned and Servitors. It is among the strongest weapons fielded by the Imperial Guard at regiment level, the sheer damage it is capable of doing is enough reason to risk getting so close; most vehicles that mount it also have improved front armour to increase survivability on approach. Flamers are flamethrower-type weapons that project an ignited stream of promethium fuel over a wide area, igniting many enemies in a single gout of flame. Next, if we want Close Assault Terminators, the Terminator Assault Squad has the name and the Hammers to back it up. The Hellhammer Cannon is the main turret weapon of the Imperial Hellhammer super-heavy tank, this short barreled, wide-bore weapon fires a large, powerful shell armed with an unstable sub-molecular charge, which is capable of blasting through any form of armour or cover. They are also commonly mounted on Scout Titans such as the Warhound-class, as one of the most powerful anti-tank weapons that those war engines can carry, while Imperial Battle Titans such as the Reaver and Warlord-classes may use them as well. The bolt melts and cuts through armour, leaving the flesh (or other vulnerable parts) vulnerable to the needle, which knocks out or kills the target. A Chain Weapon is a weapon that has motorised biting teeth that saw and slash through a prospective victim, in a similar fashion to a chainsaw. The Smoke Grenade is a simple grenade that fills the area with thick smoke. These weapons used to fire an explosive penetrating bolt, much like the Bolter, but as the Imperium progressed, this technology was added to the list of that which was lost. Melta Weapons are useful squad support weapons in situations where "excessive firepower" is an oxymoron. Newer patterns of the weapon no longer suffer from this problem, which could be due to research by the Adeptus Mechanicus that produced refinements in the weapon's design, similar to the transition from the Combi-bolter to the Storm Bolter. A Bolt Pistol magazine carries only 6 to 10 rounds of standard bolt rounds, each weighing about 0.08kg and with a diameter of .75 calibre (19.05mm). Autocannons are rapid-fire heavy weapons designed to eliminate heavily armoured infantry or light vehicles, and are often used by Imperial Guard heavy weapons teams in battle, due to their versatility and reliability. Well, as someone that’s always been enamored by these hulking avatars of the Emperor‘s wrath, I’m here to present which Terminator units you’re best off using if you’re still going to field Terminators in your Space Marine army because you simply love the bastards. C $61.33 + shipping . This weapon is available exclusively to the Master of the Forge, the chief Techmarine of most Space Marine Chapters. It is connected to targeting systems on the terminator's gauntlet allowing the missiles and the Terminator's other weapons to be fired simultaneously and with great accuracy, even on the move. All available Grey Knight Paladin & Terminator bits are from new Warhammer 40k Games Workshop miniature boxes. The weapon itself has an inherent connection to the ancient Star Gods of the Necrons, the C'tan, since the technology for its creation was discovered within ancient Necron ruins deep beneath the surface of Mars by the Tech-priests of the Cult Mechanicus many centuries before the Mechanicus became a part of the Imperium of Man. Many variations of the Chain Weapon are used all over the galaxy. In the Calixis Sector, the Stub Revolver, Hand Cannon and the Stub Automatic are the Stub Pistol-type weapons most commonly on offer. From what I’ve seen, for the most part, however, the base stats are predominately the same. Related sponsored items Feedback on our suggestions - Related sponsored items. They are also one of the three types of weapons favoured by Sisters of Battle, along with bolt weapons and flamer weapons. The thunderfire cannon is able to fire 3 types of shells: the first is a powerful standard explosive shell; the second is a lesser powered shell, but has the ability to ignore cover; the third is less powerful still, but causes a subterranean blast which hinders the movment of enemy forces the next turn. Assault Lasers are known for their immense rate of fire and higher armour-piercing ability compared to the standard Lasrifle. £19.99. The cannon devastates an area and may be used for indirect fire from behind cover. In the first two editions of Warhammer 40,000, the Hand Flamer used a small teardrop-shaped template similar to that of the standard Flamer. This includes various common melee weapons such as swords, knives, bayonets, maces, axes, clubs and even pistols. Web Weapons, also called "Web Guns", "Webbers" or "Glue Guns," fire a net of sticky synthetic material intended to immobilise rather than kill targets, though if the target continually struggled, the web would tighten to the point of killing the target. Upon contact it activates an electrical charge to magnify the force of the blow. In a sense, the Turbolaser is to the Lascannon what the Battle Cannon is to the Autocannon -- a larger, more devastating weapon based on the same concept. Rare in the Imperium, the Plasma Grenade explodes to produce a ball of plasma that covers an area. The cannon is sited on its own mount and may move under its own power, enabling it to provide cover where a Whirlwind is unfeasable, however it is usually deployed by Drop Pod or Thunderhawk gunship. All available bits of the Terminators Chaos Space Marines are from new Warhammer 40k miniature boxes. Eviscerators closely resemble conventional chainsaws, but being large two-handed weapons they are generally powerful enough to have similar effects to the Chainfists frequently seen carried by Astartes Terminators. The Leman Russ Battle Tank is another known mount for the increasingly difficult to produce Laser Destroyer. The Plasma Destructor is a unique plasma weapon which is mounted in the Leman Russ Executioner main battle tank. The most advanced suit ever created of the Terminator line, the Tartaros line boast unrivaled mobility for no loss in protection or strength enhancement, and its unique capabilities allow the use of armaments otherwise nonexistent in modern Space Marine Chapter armories. However, you pay for it, with an only 4″ movement and halving all Advances. Heavy Flamers are often used by specialists in dense conditions, such as jungle warfare, urban warfare and close-quarter combat. But practically everything on foot will be ground to paste. C $78.86 + shipping . Although the Conqueror Cannon has a shorter range and fires smaller shells than the Battle Cannon, the drastic reduction in recoil allows the vehicle to fire with more accuracy on the move. The Web Pistol is sometimes used on the Hive World of Necromunda, but is generally unpopular across the Imperium due to the lack of exotic chemicals and spare parts to keep the weapon functioning. It ups their IS to 3+ and gives them 11 8 -3 3 at a 4+ WS. This speciality is unused on Imperial vehicles. These are generally used in a sniper role, and use overpowered liquid metal batteries known as "hotshots," which have only one power setting. ... the one main terminator I played – Abbadon – was a pretty much awesome bad a$$. This exotic short-ranged weapon ravages the nervous system of its targets. The plasma is described as being a "miniature sun", but has appeared as blue, green or light purple in the case of Chaos plasma weaponry seen in the PC game Dawn of War. Grav-cannons have been seen mounted on Rapiers and Centurion heavy infantry. Space Marines, meanwhile, can fire similarly-sized launchers from the shoulder and carry their own supply of missiles on a backpack-mounted rack. Orks possess an analog to the Heavy Flamer, the Skorcha. Orks employ various Chain Weapons as well, usually axes or wide-bladed swords. Because of its random nature, this device can be as dangerous to its user as their opponent. In the PC game Dawn of War - Dark Crusade, Captain Davian Thule can be equipped with an Inferno Pistol, although it is referred to as a Melta Gun. A Callidus Assassin once stabbed one of the disguised C'tan Shards with her C'tan Phase Blade. It’s a brutal gun-line. The Deathwatch Graviton Cannon is a modification made by the Deathwatch Techmarines of Watch Fortress Erioch in the Jericho Reach of the more common Grav-gun. Such a weapon can carve through armor and stone with as much resistance as empty air; typically only other energy fields can safely counter the effects of a power weapon. Warhammer 40k Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Melee Master - LVL7 +10 on Melee Damage (all melee weapons), -50% AP with any melee or unarmed weapons They are designed to implode and produce a powerful pressure wave that can damage armoured or hardened targets, rather than explode, as is usually the case with grenades. P&P: + £3.99 P&P . This is never used with both hands due to its non-lethality. These weapons have been traditionally wielded by the esteemed members of the Sanguinary Guard for the last ten standard millennia. However, it is capable of penetrating most known armour and its extreme destructive potential is the reason that many Imperial Guard commanders try to include at least one Leman Russ Executioner in their armoured formations. It is a short range weapon firing several shells at once which helps combat the poor aim of the average Ogryn. Defence Lasers have also appeared as massive anti-ship emplacements, occupying an entire building of their own and capable of seriously threatening capital warships in space above a planet. Sometimes you need to just keep the enemy distracted, always pulling attention away from where you want to make your move, to keep powerful units entangled in a pointless fight, or to reliably mow through a soft point in the line. It’s expensive, to be sure, but a 10 man squad teleporting in behind a dug-in opponent with two Reaper Autocannons if you need the range or two Heavy Flamers if you plan on getting close, two Grenade Harnesses, a Plasma Blaster (Or, again, if you’re getting close, Volkite Charger and save some points), and 10 Chainfists for melee, it’s a lot to handle considering they’re at a full 6″ movement, 2+/5+. It is a valuable weapon which needs specialised ammunition and care -- even more so than the sniper Lasgun -- and is therefore usually reserved for more elite troops or Imperial Assassins. With this in mind, I’m giving the Terminator Gun Line award as well as overall well-rounded to the Tartaros. For every five you can also throw in a Grenade Harness to one of your models. During battle, however, the arcane "eye" of the helm opens, allowing the Assassin's full anti-psyker abilities to be unleashed. This was subsequently changed to reflect the reality that Assault Cannons are deployed almost exclusively by Space Marine forces. They are often mounted on light vehicles that serve either as transports or scouts, for infantry work. The Cataphractii will do this reliably if simply for their durability. As their name suggests, Melta Weapons are capable of rapidly incinerating armour which would normally be immune to most squad-based weapons (obstacles, tank armour, powered armour, etc.). These formidable weapons are used in conjunction with their wrist-mounted Angelus Bolters. The Inferno Cannon shoots a long, arcing gout of flame at range that forms a deadly pool of liquid flame affecting the area that it impacts, rather than spewing fire directly at the targets from the cannon. Because of this relative lack of power, the lasgun is most effective when delivering massed, focused fire from multiple units, and less effective when used singly. This awards additional experience points (XP). Laspistols are carried primarily by Imperial Guard officers and advisers, including Commissars, Techpriest Engineers and Sanctioned Psykers. Even without the power field active the weapon will be of highest quality and potent in the hands of a skilled fighter. It is ideal for secretive work such as assassination, "doping" and kidnapping missions due to its being silent and flashless. Previous Post: 40K Space Marine Captain Analysis and Comparison. Mounting four individual Lascannons (each more than capable of destroying a tank on its own) focused to fire on a single point, the Rapier was designed for bunker-busting. Leman Russ Executioner outfitted with a Plasma Destructor. It is useful for attacking burrowing vehicles and the foundations of buildings. Grenades, naturally, are less powerful than missiles, but are easier to fire on the move. Limited numbers of armor-piercing shells may be optionally carried, which have even greater damage and penetrative power, but at the cost of the explosive area effect. After seeing those, I got the idea to use the vehicle storm bolter (or half of it) and combine that with a special weapon as the other half. The Bolter is a mid-range anti-personnel weapon that lies between the lighter Bolt Pistol and the more effective Heavy Bolter, which fires .998 calibre bolt rounds. The Space Marines make commo… A matter-disrupting energy field is projected around the blades, allowing them to cut through armour and flesh with minimal effort. In various cases, the cannon can be upgraded with more advanced targeting sensors so that it is able to fire indirectly in the same way as traditional artillery pieces like howitzers. Common Imperial slang for meltaguns includes cookers or vape guns. Some Imperial troops have the option of wielding weapons that require two hands to use effectively, such as the Eviscerator. Destroyer Tank Hunter variant Leman Russ Tank. So what do we actually get for the 58 more points we used? If you’re going up against tough targets, grab it for the double Kraks if you can afford it, but if you’re dealing with swarms, the Heavy Flamer or even the Assault Cannon just seems better as if you’re looking for anti-swarm support, there are simply better options for long range anti-swarm support. The generator and capacitors are constantly monitored by an engineer or a member of the Adeptus Mechanicus. In close quarters combat against densely packed enemy formations, or in close confines, the lance is very unwieldy and all Rough Riders carry at least one back-up weapon. Tier 6 - LVL25 Terminator Captain - VATS AP cost of all Terminator weapons is halved, movement speed in Terminator Armor is raised by 25%. Terminator weapons are placeholders. This also allows the Laspistol to use the same power pack as the lasgun, increasing the pistol's logistical flexibility. The weapon is most commonly seen mounted in pairs on Titans -- Warhound-class Scout Titans often carry a pair as one of the arm mounts, while the larger Reaver-class Battle Titan sometimes mounts a pair of Turbolasers on each arm, and the Warlord-class Battle Titan generally has a pair in each shoulder mount. If an item is not needed, it can be scrapped by dragging it into the Librarium panel at the inventory screen. The Needlegun and Needle Pistol (or Needler as this class of weapons is known in general) are silent and deadly weapons that uses both laser power and poisoned needles. Details about 40k Dark Angels Deathwing Knight Terminator Champion magnetized weapons. (You can argue the Flamer/Heavy Bolter is more effective because the Flamer is essentially a Bolter auto-hitting with 1-6 hits. This results in the dual effects of searing heat and explosive shock as its substance is instantly energised into boiling plasma. Both Eldar and the Tau have specific units that can be armed with Flamers. It is a formidable weapon and can deal significant damage from a long distance. Publication history. Free Core Rules. The Combi-grav is a relatively rare Combi-weapon variant employed by the Adeptus Astartes that incorporates a single-shot Grav-gun, allowing the wielder a potent graviton attack when the fighting is fiercest without sacrificing the formidable wrath of the standard Bolter.