RS-485 is just a serial interface protocol that uses standard 0 to +5 voltage TTL signal levels for communication (as opposed to RS-232 which uses -12v and +12 for signal level changes). Plug those into the formula: Steps / inch = (200 * 4) / .076923 This can also be written as: 200 * 4 / (1 / 13) = 10,400, Click the link to respond: I am asking what to set my steps per using your kit stepper motors and a 1/2"x13 lead screw with Mach3, I Want to Schecule a One-On-One Paid Tech Support Session, Book an Appointment Pertaining to a BuildYourCNC Product (Free), Book an Appointment Pertaining Other Equipment ($60/half hour), Book an Immedite Appointment Pertaining Other Equipment ($120/half hour), © 2020 PHD Robotics, LLC. This is your stall velocity. Zitat: Noch etwas. Try this: disconnect all but one of the driver from power and digital connection and do the air run. Please keep me informed. Mach3 menu: Config -> Homing/Limits. Confg Plugins Spindle Pulleys.. The motor configuration can be set by going to Config > Motor Tuning and Setup on the Mach3 main screen. Motor Tuning and Setup SPINDLE MOTOR MOVEMENT PROFILE Axis Selection elod ty X Axis Y Axis Z Axis 01S Veloci ty In's or mm's min. However when I make moves using gcode they bind and don't move or jerk violently when they do move. Additional Information:Also, check to see if the fan is running on the power supply when the motors stop. When I enter G0 X100 then it moves 50mm. Basically this means that every pulse sent from the computer to the machine needs to translate correctly to produce the units you measure with (inches or millimeters.) Just enter G0 A360 and watch it rotate one full time. follows---then“SAVEAXIS SETTINS”, then s etup the Y axis and Z axis,final click “OK”. The chinese user manual wrote: Steps per: 400 Velocity: 2000 Acceleration: 200 G's: 0.0203952 Step pulse: 10 Dir pulse: 3 I think these settings are incorrect. I've run this program in the past with this set-up and have not had a problem. We have a FAQ section here. You can do this by lowering the end mill until it touches the material, then spinning it by hand to cut a small dimple in the material. These are the recommended initial motor tuning settings for the blackToe: X-axis “CW230 (3.0A) Driver” Set to 1/16 Microstep, 2.7A Dipswitches: 11001100 Mach3 Motor Tuning: 1422.22 steps/in Y-axis “CW230 (3.0A) Driver” Set to 1/16 Microstep, 2.7A Dipswitches: 11001100 Mach3 Motor Tuning: 1422.22 steps/in Z-axis “CW230 (3.0A) Driver” Set to 1/4 Microstep, 2.7A Dipswitches: 10101100 Mach3 Motor Tuning: 1600 steps/in, Click the link to respond: Do you have any recomended motor tuning speeds for the black toe. With the rotary axis assembled and ready to go, it’s time to set up Mach3 to work with it. Go to the "SETTINGS" tab and you'll find "Axis Calibration" right over the "RESET" button. General Settings d. DTHC Motor Tuning 1. 6. - Check Spindle speed display You will want to edit the custom.hal text file located in the folder that was created from the stepconf wizard. For your Industrial CNC Router to cut accurately, the motors need to be tuned. I used the larger motor on the z axis because the router I am using is a large 1 1/2 hp. Here is the link to our wiring diagram: Information:what are pinoutsAdditional Information:Pinouts are typically drawings or diagrams of pins with labels next to the pin that describes the function of the pin. To adjust the velocity, acceleration and steps/unit, click on config -> motor tuning. The Clear Path motor tuning is something completely different. to 6.780 which is near the minimum speed of 6.000 setup in the inverter. Click the link to respond: What size stepper motors does the blueChick use? The inches will be .076923. I use 3/8-12 TPI Leadscrew. That machine has given quite a good history. On the top of the stepper motor drivers is a grid with the appropriate toggle switch positions for the lead screw being used. Buy Token for Direct and Immediate Tech Support! If the power supply is the problem, the voltage will be reduced or non existent when measured after the problem. The spindle speed indicator in LinuxCNC will show the spindle speed and you can confirm that this is equal to the speed indicated on the VFD. About 15 minutes into the milling process all the motors (2-X axis, Y axis and Z axis)stop but the program continues to run. 7. So that should translate to 20 turns for 1 inch, so 1600 steps in Mach3 motor tunings. I checked and rechecked my wiring. PWM Module Setup 1-57 a. If not, your measurements and jobs will be the wrong size. Reduce the acceleration by about the same percentage to stick with a safe acceleration. Hopefully that will lead to a conclusion. Did you make this project? To calibrate each axis go to the “Settings” screen in MACH3 and click on the button “Set Steps per Unit” on the bottom left. Before connecting your inverter to Mach3, consider whether it is needed. Note that Mach3 needs to be restarted before the motor tuning takes effect. Mach3's Menu -> Config -> Motor Tuning (and Setup). WHAT SETTINGS DO I USE IN MACH3 MOTOR TUNING? 1 mit dem Hauptmenü (1). So, please use this FAQ (Question #: 13233) to state your questions by submitting additional information below. Use these buttons to conform that the spindle is functioning properly. However, Mach4 plasma THC is handled with so called out-of-band (OB) motor. Additional Information:It might be that people do not realize you can communicate through the sight like this because they are so used to e-mail and texting. This has never happened to me before when running the same programs with the same setups and motor speeds. Your motors are 200 steps per rev with the drivers set on 1/8th step, this means you have 1600 steps per rev. Additional Information:That's exactly what I did. 10. Ermittlung der Schritte pro Millimeter Fahrweg (Steps per) Speed % 40 will give you a homing speed of F600. The motor tuning for any controller under Mach3 is independent of the actual controller. Motor Tuning General Config.. System Hotkeys Homing Limits th Slave Axis Back] ash Fixtures. After calibrating and making a small test pass. Click the link to respond: HOW MANY STEPS PER INCH DO I SET IN MOTOR TUNING? This is how you can change the direction of travel according to the arrow keys. In Mach3, go to the Settings Tab, and select "Set Steps Per Unit". Recommended action is to lower the velocity and/or acceleration, and/or lower the feedrate when cutting.