Any medicines mentioned on the site must be prescribed by a licensed professional. Third, gelatin contains glycine which is a methyl donor and should be avoided. I m just glad somehow I m not the only one. As we can all agree, low sulfur diet is quite restrictive for us to keep following it.I was wondering if there are any kind of grains,flours that could be used to make some sort of bread or breadish food to eat? thank you. I guess always I’ve high levels of ammonia, but probably my long term high protein diet was not a good idea and worse my symptoms. Read more. Before I begin a protocol using chelators, I’d like to rule out my confirmed CBS mutation as a contributing factor: Does CBS mutation, IN THOSE WHOM IT IS ACTUALLY SYMPTOMATIC, cause these same issues or does it present with a completely different symptomatology? Margarine and processed rapeseed (canola), safflower, soya bean, sunflower oils although low in salicylate are likely to contain preservatives that may mimic salicylate reactions and are best avoided. As to the theory that it’s really mercury and not CBS, check your homocysteine. Because he mentioned he started to feel worse after he was eating the veggies for a few days in a row. Young adulthood I was vegetarian then vegan and NOT pain free but thinner and happier. I agree, DA. It is a naturally mined magnesium chloride salt that is very beneficial. It’s probably one of the best articles that I found on the web about sulfur and ammonia! Thank you. 3 lbs…plus liverwurst sandwiches…have raised my temp from 97.1 to 98.6 in just 2 months! In the last couple of years she has had increasing tics, now essentially Tourettes . How did you come up with your list of low sulfur foods? There are some things in this article that make no sense to me. Bingo. It also has quite a few typos which doesn’t really increase my comfort level in following it. Hello, I am heterozygous for CBS (and homozygous for VAQ TT and MAO), and wondered if I needed to address CBS since I respond well to N-Acetyl Cysteine. Later that day or next day I am often in widespread pain, especially in lymph areas near El ows a d knees. I’ve got my metabolism and immune system back! It got better now. I’m almost addicted to sulfur rich foods because of the “boost”, but then fairly quickly followed by almost complete immune system shut down Chilled, excitory feeling in the forehead, feels like a sunburn across the forehead/eyebrows, brain function slows real fast, pain between the shoulder blades. This is a challenging toxin for simple carbon filters to remove and thus most people are ingesting high amounts of ammonia. I also go to dr. Eric S. max. You will likely need more protein when bodybuilding but try altering your carbs and fat until you find a spot that you feel best. Potassium has a strong alkalizing effect and changes the pH of the urine. Printed up and highlighted the article. but in Liver Phase I my CYP1A1 and CY1B1 and COMT are mutated causing estrogen dominance and thereby is recommended I take DIM and cruciferous vegetables. For the avoidance of doubt, I’ve double checked that these same symptoms can be brought on with no food whatsoever… in the fasted state… IF I take even a little liposomal glutathione. Both are listed as low in thiols. This is much longer than the majority of water filter solutions on the market. One example is StrateGene, Thank you so much for your reply Dr Jockers! This is because sulfur based amino acids are foundational components to many enzymes including the powerful anti-oxidant enzyme glutathione. Berkey water filter systems are fantastic due to low cost and their remarkable ability to remove harmful pathogenic bacteria, cysts, parasites, and unhealthy chemical toxins such as chlorine to levels higher than 99.99%, while at the same time leaving in the essential minerals your body needs. The nutrition plan should focus on full-fat coconut products, grass-fed butter/ghee and small amounts of grass-fed and pasture-raised meat. Could that be why I feel like my throat is closing, fatigue and brain fog when taking Monolaurin? Hello Dr Jockers….i am confused between sulfur metabolism problems and a sulfur caused detox reaction. Why Betaine HCL is not good for sulfur intolerance? I think some of us have both. What is CNS? In compliance with the FTC guidelines, please assume the following about links and posts on this site: Many of the links on are affiliate links of which I receive a small commission from sales of certain items, but the price is the same for you. The consequent flatulence stench reveals all. NAC has been a big problem and mystery for my daughter.