Rabbit care expert Aileen Kara Hudspeth discusses rabbit care and how to give medication to a rabbit. The next step could be to use a pill crusher, which is available in most pharmacies for less than $10. Again, hold the bun securely and pull the top eyelid gently up or the bottom eyelid gently down. Cranberries, in dried form, are a natural antibacterial agent. Vanodine is an amazing non-toxic biocide which kills germs, bacteria, fungus, and viruses. Just like the rest of us, rabbits will take medicine more easily if it tastes good. It will immediately start shaking its head to get the unwanted fluid out. Even wrapping it in herbs or placing it in the pellet bowl (if you feed any) could help. Hold rabbit in position on his back for *no less than 30 seconds to allow mixture to enter gi tract 6- Sit rabbit up as normal – place hand under lower stomach region to lift his rear end up slightly for mixture to further into intestines… then allow nature to take its course. This is not always an easy task, as rabbits often vehemently refuse to do so. Treats: increases appetite for rabbits that have gone off feed, Notes: make sure no chemicals or sprays have been use on the plants, Treats: antibiotic / Enteritis and bacterial infections, Dose 1: Prevent: given 5 days on / 5 off / 5 off… 2x per year, Dose 2: Treat: given for 21 consecutive days when outbreak occurs, Notes: mix 1 teaspoon per gallon water, given as drinking water follow treatments with probiotic, Dura-pen is an antibiotic. This used to be known as “a miracle in a bottle”. That way the rabbit doesn’t accidentally inhale the spay. Posted on 6th August 2018 by Vetstream. Encourage the rabbit to exercise, and give very small doses of olive oil orally which can help with mild constipation. How to Give Medication to a Rabbit Plus, not every bun can be tricked that way. Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections. Chamomile is a natural stress and pain reliever. Here are a few tips and tricks that may help you and keep everyone’s stress level down. Reglan is a muscle stimulant of the upper GI tract. LA-200 is an antibiotic. Alternatively, if your vet says it's … Pills Treats: prevents diarrhea and restores the flora in the gut, Dose: water soluble powder mixed at 1 teaspoon per gallon of water, given for 10 days, Treats: infections, reduces ammonia odors, increases fertility, Dose: 1 teaspoon mixed in gallon of drinking water, given daily; use undiluted for disinfecting/cleaning, Notes: *Raw, Unfiltered, with “The Mother”100% natural, safe internally and externally, can’t overdose on it –but if mixed strong, rabbits may not drink it, Treats: bacterial and respiratory infections, Enteritis, and stop diarrhea, Dose 1: prevent: mix 1 teaspoon per gallon water, use as drinking water for 10 days, Dose 2: treat: mix as directed above, orally syringe – 1cc per body pound, daily- as needed, Treats: parasitic eradication for Coccidiosis (aka Coccidia), Dose: orally syringe – 1cc per 5-pound body weight, 2x daily, for 10 consecutive days, Dose: human grade / low dose tablet – 81mg, crushed and mixed in water, orally syringe – 2x daily, as needed, NOTE: Bayer or St. Joseph’s Brand chewable, 81mg/low dose tablet – do not give to pregnant or nursing does, or kits under 12wks of age, those dehydrated, or for GI probl. Move the rabbit to the towel. Some bunnies will just eat it. Plantain is a gut and intestinal mobility aid. Check the label on the bottle to be sure. A detailed list of rabbit-safe medicine and proper doses of each one is something that every rabbit owner needs! Contents. Dose: apply ointment / salve to infected eye 2-3x daily, as needed. She needs help to get her bowels moving again. Treats: bacterial/fungal/viral infections of the skin / external areas of the body, Dose: use as needed / can not over-dose on it, Notes: topical cream – or spray for use on eyes, nose, and ears – known as the safest form of antibiotic – also safe for humans. A dosage meant for dogs, cats, rabbits, and other animals under 4 kg is your best option, but keep in mind that it is always best to speak with an animal professional before administering the treatment. Dose: small amount, sparingly, and only as needed, Notes: the flowers are a tranquilizer – lowers blood pressure, Dose: very small amount, only given when needed. Treats: aids in passing retained kits, induces labor, increases fertility, and aids in gut mobility, Notes: safe as a first greens food for young kits – make sure its chemical free / un-sprayed. Wrap … Again, some bunnies will simply drink it from the syringe if you offer it. Celery is a natural diuretic that increases appetite. That is not a difficult task and bunnies can usually not reach that spot, so you don’t have to worry about them cleaning it all off. Some fluid medication has to be placed behind the ears. Tip Many pet medications must be shaken before they’re used. With your hand holding its head still, you can gently feel if your rabbit has swallowed or not. If a rabbit struggles a lot or tries to scratch it may be necessary to wrap it in a towel. Arthritis and other pain conditions can stop a rabbit from fully emptying their bladder. The towel prevents them from slipping and can be wrapped around their posterior for a more secure hold. I was reminded of a cat that I was looking after who had the same problem and so I put the dose (or part thereof) on Audrey’s paw and she licked it up. Dose 1: Prevent: water soluble powder mixed 1 teaspoon per gallon water, given as daily drinking water, Dose 2: Treat: mix as directed above – given 21 consecutive days when outbreak occurs, Dose: 2-3” piece, raw – can be given 2-3x weekly. This is especially important when spaying females as … Notes: use fresh or dried out, never wilted or fermented – make sure its chemical free / unsprayed, Treats: eradication of most internal and external parasites, Dose 1: Oral Horse Paste: 1 pea sized drop, squeezed directly into mouth – 1x daily for 5 days on / 5 off / 5 on Dose 2: Topical Cattle Liquid: pour into *gloved hands, thoroughly rub into fur/on body Dose 3: Liquid Swine Injection: 1/10thcc (.1)cc per 10 pound body weight, injected under skin, Notes: very strong – do not over-medicate, Treats: Enteritis and other causes of diarrhea, Dose: 1cc, orally syringed, every 4-8 hours as needed, Notes: can increase to 2cc for Giant breeds over 15 pounds if diarrhea is severe.