“It is simple to fall down, but the going up … But this time the Underlanders were not there to save him. Luxa and Henry aren’t sure what Gregor’s mean by “creepy”, but it’s clear to them that it’s meant to be an insult. Well… yeah, it is important to understand where a person is coming from, but a reason for bad behavior isn’t the same thing as an excuse for bad behavior. They would never let her fall. After they survive they go “In truth, Gregor, she is safer with the bats than in human hands,” said Luxa. Gregor the Overlander - Underland Chronicles 1 Book Summary and Study Guide. “And I don’t plan on staying in this creepy place forever!”. ( Log Out /  Gregor is basically trapped because he cannot leave the Palace. Gregor tells the Underlanders that he needs to be going home right now, but… The old man was still examining him closely. It’s then he sees that: “Every bat in the arena had dived for them. As they’re eating, they’re attacked by rats. ( Log Out /  The Underlanders have an expression about how courage “only counts when you can count”. He is stuck in the situation of life or death. “Boots has no fear, nor will she when she masters counting. This compelling and adventure-filled story, written by Suzanne Collins, provides the opportunity to teach the fantasy genre, the skill of analyzing setting, and the use of connotative language. To everyone’s suprise, Boots recognizes the roach that gave her a ride to the stadium. Download Save. Samurais, knights, and African warriors but none of them seem to match him. Of course Boots is fine. And there was his friend Larry, who had to go to the hospital emergency room three times last year when his asthma flared up and he couldn’t get air into his lungs. It’s definitely because of Boots. “And she is not afraid.”, “She’s two!” screamed Gregor, wheeling on her. This free study guide is stuffed with the juicy details and important facts you need to know. "You hold on too strongly with you legs. Vikus smiled at him. Still, it’s pretty messed up of Henry to just toss her off the side of the pillar like that, without even telling Gregor what would happen. Henry scooped up Boots and held her at arm’s length, the way someone might hold a wet puppy. “Not at home, Luxa! His favorite food is shrimp in cream sauce. The prophecy says that the last to die has to decide where he stands, and the fate of the living members of the quest will depend on his choice. Solevet is Vikus' wife and Henry is Luxa's cousin. “For a creature to survive so long, it is, no doubt, as smart as it need be.”, “I do not believe in your science,” said Henry. Mareth is quick to reassure Gregor that it’s actually easier for babies and younger children to learn this stuff than it is for someone Gregor’s age or older. Most of the humans had such a low opinion of them. Euripedes mentioned to Luxa that Gregor could use some tips on flying. Leaving them alone in unknown territory seems like a terrible idea, but I suppose so does letting them take on rats unarmed. ( Log Out /  This makes a great impression on the roaches and on the humans, as it’s it’s a rare ability for humans to be able to tell the roaches apart. He didn’t in any way resemble a warrior. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. The two rats Fangor and Shed are about to eat Gregor and Boots because of the smell of the food was in there bodies. “How do you know this?” Luxa spoke abruptly, but Gregor could tell she was actually interested. It tells the story of a boy named Gregor and his adventures in the "Underland", a subterranean world located under New York City. Once again, Vikus and Solovet go to speak to the roaches’ leader. This is a novel study for Gregor the Overlander by Suzanne Collins. Gregor the Overlander chapter 9: Trouble in the Palace. There, Gregor meets Luxa, who is slated to become Regalia’s queen when she comes of age, and her cousins, Henry and Nerissa. Gregor the Overlander Chapter 8: Life or death.. As Gregor is trapped on the island with the rats he made the worst decision of of trying to escape. His dad had showed him a time line of when different animals had evolved on Earth. “We will sit,” said one stiffly, and Gregor had the feeling the bug wanted him to mind his own business. “No, it’s not. Gregor the Overlander Chapter 11: The Beginning of War. Gregor the Overlander Chapter 11: The Beginning of War. Gregor nodded. First of all, they were grown up and they usually had a lot of special weaponry. Archaeologists dig up fossils and stuff, and they can tell how old things are. Gregor learns more about the Prophecy of Gray, which told of his arrival. This chapter starts a few hours after Gregor has been told by Vikus that he’s most likely the warrior mentioned in an ancient prophecy. The rats are amused by his bravery—to actually stand up and say something to a rat. You must trust the bats. He denied himself the luxury of feeling hopeful and happy, and isn’t that what Luxa is doing? On the one hand, I get why Gregor is angry. “That is rumor,” said Henry dismissively. So he runs. (Not a criticism of the book, by the way, because it seems that Collins wants us to disagree with Henry.). “She’s going to think she can jump off anything and be caught!”. They became a lot more hardened when their parents were killed by rats. “It’s science. Eleven-year-old Gregor is left home alone in his family's New York City apartment to watch his sister and grandmother. Here are links to our lists for the novel: Chapters 1–4, Chapters … “The crawlers are weak, they cannot fight, they will not last. “Is that what you think, Luxa?” said Gregor. Chapter Seven. They will not drop you,” said Luxa. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. “It is the first lesson we teach the babies.”. He decides to make a run for it, heading for the door the roaches came through—Luxa raises a hand, in a signal, and one of the bats swoops down from the ceiling and knocks him and Boots to the ground. The fact that Gregor bonded with the bat carried more weight than he had expected. I have a more specific question for Henry: does he think his sister Nerissa, who is “frail as glass”, deserves to die? Not in the Overland!” said Gregor. Luxa comments that Boots' skin \"must require much light,\" and it is stated that both Lizzie and Boots have brown hair.In Gregor the Overlander two rats named Fangor and Shed comment that Gregor's likeness is that of his father- that their \"shade\" matches. I… When Gregor's baby sister Boots falls through an old air duct grate in the building's basement, he dives in after her. He thought of Boots, who was little and couldn’t yet open a door. They need the crawlers to go on the journey, but they say no because they finally have peace with the rats and the humans. The first time Bane shatters Gregor’s ribs and in return severs Bane’s tail. The two fall miles below into the Underland: a subterranean world home to humans with near-translucent skin; giant sentient bats, rodents, and insects; and an escalating conflict between the human city of Regalia and the rats' King Gorger. True, the roaches don’t seem particularly bright, at least not in the same way as the humans or the bats or rats. He becomes confus… Gregor thought the fact that she had liked the roaches had made a great impression on them. The next day the crawlers announce that Temp and Tick will be joining the quest. Two of the roaches, Temp and Tick (Temp being the one who gave Boots a ride), stay behind to play with Boots. They will not drop you," said… The crawler’s land is a huge cavern with a very low ceiling, low enough that it’s difficult for the humans to stand up straight. This whole situation is basically a result of Luxa and Henry not being aware that what’s taken for granted in their world isn’t so in Gregor’s world, and vice versa, and both parties being kind of immature about it (though, again, it is understandable that Gregor would be angry). Was given diagonal scar by Solovet. Seriously, that is really sad. Access Full Guide. One old man still dug furiously through his scrolls until Vikus said to him, "Oh, stop rattling your skins, we clearly have no precedent for this." They meet several "Underlanders", among th… “It does not matter what I think, if that is the truth,” said Luxa evasively. The fliers have agreed to officially join the quest, so the crawlers are next. With Temp and Tick part of the group now, they starts to fly for the spinners’ land. He says this while Temp and Tick are in earshot too, so like?? While they discuss how the roaches might be swayed to joining, Henry has an outburst about how the roaches are “the stupidest creatures in the Underland”. Luxa and Henry are generally obnoxious and inconsiderate and they’re definitely being so here. He thinks about all the books he read. When Gregor wakes up from bed, his brain is filled with the dreams he had about his family in danger. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Gregor didn’t think the bats would save her, he’s not used to this world. “You don’t have to stay – she orders everybody around,” he told the roaches. With stuff like that, all Gregor could feel was bad. A vocabulary list featuring "Gregor the Overlander" by Suzanne Collins, Chapters 10–13. He was getting on shaky ground here, but he thought that was true. THANKS HENRY THAT’S A BIG HELP. With three questers dead, Gregor thinks about the last stanza of the prophecy, about the last one to die. Gregor, having nothing else to do before dinner but not wanting to jinx the right he had made with Luxa, wandered the palace halls for hours, mindlessly roaming whilst lost in his troubling thoughts of his Rager side.