Dogs run a good deal warmer than humans, so they are often mistaken as feverish to the touch. If her nose is warm and dry, chances are, she has a fever. If the ears feel cold, particularly around the edges, it might be time to take him inside and cover him with a blanket. Taking your dog’s temperature with a thermometer is the only real way to diagnose a fever (see box, below). You need to take the dog's temperature if you see him panting, if he feels very cold or if he seems really lethargic. It feels like a … Any kind of infection -- including serious ones such as parvovirus, distemper, kennel cough, leptospirosis, and heartworm disease -- can make your dog lethargic. The noses of cats and dogs should be cold and moist. A few of the more common causes of weakness or lethargy in dogs include the following: Infection. If it feels cold rather than warm, it is likely your dog is too cold. Have you ever given your dog’s ears a pet, and found them to be cold to the touch? 5. If his temperature goes below 99 or above 104 degrees, something is seriously wrong. Also, the old “warm nose equals a sick dog” saying is just a myth. Just as we feel a human's forehead to check their temperature, we can check to see if a dog is unusually warm by feeling … Tonight it is swollen up to his jaws. Bleeding But experts recommend that you don’t rely on the animal’s nose alone to detect a fever. Yesterday the vet drew blood from my dog and last night I noticed bruising and swelling on his neck down to his collar bone. Learn more about the signs your dog is sick, such as changes in behavior, appearance, vomiting, diarrhea, potty problems, breathing issues, and fever. If a dog has cold ears, you might be concerned about them – especially if they seem to be particularly frosty. Or perhaps they rest their head on you, and their ears feel cold to the touch. and that a warm, dry nose means trouble. They can help you tell if your dog has a cold or other illness and whether or not you need to take them to the veterinarian. In general, cold temperatures should not become a problem for most dogs until they fall below 45° F, at which point some cold-averse dogs might begin to feel uncomfortable. You can also touch their body. Dog Weakness and Lethargy: Common Causes and Treatments. Of course, when dogs have fevers, they often feel warm to the touch. This is a common misconception. The appearance or feel of a dog’s nose is a poor indicator of health or body temperature. If it’s wet and cold, he’s fine. Changes in temperature, the cold and colds spread by other dogs are some of the causes of canine colds.A dog cold has similar symptoms as a cold in humans but can be a bit more difficult to identify. Conventional wisdom states that a healthy dog should have a cold, wet nose. The only way to truly know if your dog has a fever is to take his or her temperature. A dog's temperature should be around 100.5 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. You’re probably familiar with the tried and true method many dog owners have relied on to see if their dog has a fever: Feel his nose. A normal canine temperature is 99.5 degrees – … You can get a more accurate temperature value by using a digital rectal thermometer designed specifically for dogs. How cold is too cold to walk the dog? Dr. Kim Smyth, a staff veterinarian with pet insurance company Petplan, is asked this very question every winter, so she created a chart based on the assessment scale developed at Tufts University.. The common cold is not only one of the most common diseases in humans, but also among dogs and cats. Feeling your dog's ears is a good way to tell his temperature.