5:15 - Matins & Lauds Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Email. Prayer is an integral part of the life of each Franciscan Sister of St. Joseph. Prayer requests submitted through our web site, while not acknowledged in writing, shall be given the consideration of our sincere supplications before the Blessed Sacrament. Find a Sister.             Bkfst, 12:00 - Sext & Rosary Submit a Prayer Request. Request a Prayer The life of a Carmelite Nun is spent “meditating day and night on the Law of the Lord and watching in prayer.” (Carmelite Rule, 10) All of our prayers and sacrifices are in union with Christ and His Body, the Church, for the salvation of souls and the redemption of the world. Joyous Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception! If you have a prayer request, simply enter it in the form below. + Spiritual reading + Reading Scripture ¼ hour daily Name. An Undivided Heart – Vocations to the Consecrated Life, Prayers for Priests and Those Destined for the Priesthood, State of Tennessee Fraternal Mission Program 2018-2019, Submit a Priest for the Mary Mother of Priests Garden, Snowflakes, sleds, and hope springs eternal. When you request a prayer through our website, your intention is remembered in the daily prayers of about 20 contemplative nuns living in the Carmel of Reno monastery in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Reno, Nevada. The following are some suggestions for those wishing to do more: + One or more decades of the Rosary Our vocation is to consecrate ourselves to God alone, by means of constant prayer and joyful penance, in solitude and silence. Amen. Retreats & Programs. Type the code from the image. + Visits to the Blessed Sacrament Locations. Prayers & Meditations. Copyright © 2021 Sisters of Clear Creek. + Acts or works of charity. + Ejaculatory prayers ... As Roman Catholic cloistered Dominican nuns, we live a contemplative monastic life dedicated to the glory of God and the salvation of souls especially through the prayer of the Divine Office, Eucharistic Adoration, and Perpetual Rosary. Prayer Request. Upon receiving it, we will post it on our prayer board outside of our chapel (only the nuns of our community are able to see this prayer board). Send Us a Prayer Request. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. It is “the normal life of grace” for the Christian.The simple act of gazing on truth, the intellect's natural form of contemplation, becomes something supernatural in the sons and daughters of God … Prayer Requests. Share Your Memories. + Offering an hour of suffering during sickness Your Name* Your Email Address* Prayer Recipient's Name* Prayer Request : Captcha Code. + Holy Hour of Adoration (Day or Night) * For security, enter PINK below: * As contemplative nuns, our primary work is prayer. Our oratory is a public oratory and all are welcome to pray anytime during the day and attend Mass.             Work.             Lunch St. Francis is known as the man who was most like Christ, “the first after the only one”, the universal brother, a man of peace and reconciliation, the Poverello, the lover of the poor, the troubadour of creation.It is true. The Poor Clare Nuns of Perpetual Adoration (P.C.P.A.) Are you looking to send someone a spiritual bouquet? Navigation. We have Mass in our Oratory daily about 10 minutes after the monk's Low Mass except on Sundays and special feast days. Every human person is made for a unique love and communion with God and others. To submit a prayer request, fill out below and the Sisters will present your petitions to our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament during Holy Mass and Eucharistic Adoration. Prayers may also be requested when you make a donation to support the Sisters. Dominican Contemplative Nuns In the year 1206, Saint Dominic brought together a group of women at Prouille, France, to form the first community of Dominican Nuns. The Gift of Saint Joseph and the Year of Saint Joseph. The precept that St. Benedict gives (Rule chapter 4) "to prefer nothing to the love of Christ" is a perfect expression of this spiritual calling. Upon receiving it, we will post it on our prayer board outside of our Choir for all the nuns to see. As contemplative nuns, our primary duty for the Church is prayer. Wish Lists and General Food/Kitchen supplies UPDATED, Eight Legged Architects – Spider Lessons in Surprise, Smallness, and Diligence, Summer skies at the Mary, Mother of Priests Tribute Garden. In 1997, John Cardinal O’Connor of New York canonically established the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist as a community of religious women. Our sisters, especially those who are no longer in full-time ministry, pray for the intentions of those who request our prayers and for the needs of the church and of the world. Prayer is not about doing something. The schedule is posted in the vestibule of our Oratory. Contemplative Life. Our Mission. Jesus wants you to be with Him, but not for anything you can do – j ust because you are you, and He loves you. Christmas Approaches…are you ready to adore him? Prayer Requests. * indicates required field. We are an Institute of Religious Life among those "which are wholly ordered to contemplation" (CIC c.674) as Nuns of the Order of Saint Benedict. If you have a special prayer need, please share your request below and it will be remembered in the prayers of the Sisters. Lord Jesus, live in all priests and help them truly appreciate their unique oneness with you so that they shall never crave for more or less than just yourself and your love forever. Please let us know what you wish us to pray for. The first Dominican nuns, converts from the Albigensian heresy in Prouille, France, professed obedience into the hands of Saint Dominic himself in 1206. STJ Days in Covington, Louisiana. Prayer Request Form for needs and intentions to be taken in prayer before Our Lord exposed in the Monstrance by the Handmaids of the Precious Blood. Prayer is an important part of our life each day. Overview. Please also feel free to email your request and to keep us posted on the status of your intention. A short explanation of why the Handmaids of the Precious Blood are contemplative and cloistered including links to Church documents about this charism. Faithful to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, the nuns pray for the needs of the whole world through their apostolate of perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. We welcome all prayer requests and bring each request before Our Lord exposed in the Monstrance. Prayer Requests. Submit A Prayer Request; SCHOOLS, PARISHES & MINISTRIES. In particular, our sisters in our Care Community provide a “powerhouse of prayer.” We will gladly remember your intentions during our Morning and Evening Praise, daily Mass and our private prayers. As Oblates Sisters of the family of St. Benedict, we nourish our contemplative life especially in the chants of the Divine Office, "seven times each day and once at night". + Offering an hour of work with pure intention Grant to me, an ever-deepening reverence of your priesthood.             Class Order a free set of our Divine Mercy prayer enrollment cards. If you have a prayer request, simply enter it in the form below. © Handmaids of the Precious Blood - All Rights Reserved. Thank you for your kindness. And when death ends my life here on earth, may you, the Eternal High Priest, reveal to me in the Beatific Vision the consolation everlasting of having prayed and sacrificed for your priests here on earth. Handmaids of the Precious Blood: A Vocation for Priests. The Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters, commonly called Pink Sisters because of their rose colored habit, are a cloistered contemplative missionary Religious Congregation. Prayer Enrollment. If you would like to make an offering and be enrolled in our community's prayer book, click on our donation page, where you can enter your prayer intention in the "comments" section during checkout. Prayer Requests. The one requirement of Lay Associates and Confraternity Members who have adopted a priest spiritually is the Daily Prayer. It is our joy and priviledge to pray for the Church, the world, priests, and for all those who ask for our prayers. Prayer Request. Prayer Requests. Our vocation is to consecrate ourselves to God alone, by means of constant prayer and joyful penance, in solitude and silence. Save the Date. Name: * Describe your intentions. ... (Instruction on the Contemplative Life and on the Enclosure of Nuns) May 1999; It is through this relationship with Christ …             Low Mass Prayer Requests. Prayer Requests Brett Russell 2019-09-16T15:20:33-07:00 “Through intercessory prayer, you play a fundamental role in the life of the Church. This truth fuels our prayer. If you are discerning religious life we welcome women ages 35 and younger to visit and experience our contemplative life. The Oblates of the Virgin Mary and their friends would like to join you in prayer for special favors through the intercession of Venerable Bruno Lanteri. Name. As members of the Second Order of St. Francis of Assisi, we unite the Franciscan form of Gospel living with special dedication to Eucharistic adoration in a spirit of thanksgiving. We dwell in the heart of the Church and, in union with Mary at the foot of the Cross, we lift up the needs of the world to God and become channels of His grace poured into the souls of all. It’s about being with Someone – God Himself. As contemplative nuns, our primary duty for the Church is prayer.             Recreation/Rest, 2:45 - None & Mental Prayer The Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of Christ, are here for you. are cloistered, contemplative nuns, dedicated to perpetual adoration of Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Submit Prayer Requests. Please schedule a visit through the contact page. Prayer Requests Presentation Sisters 2020-11-08T16:59:34-06:00 The center of life for the Presentation Sisters is prayer. ... we go straight to the source of the solution to every problem presented to us in prayer requests. The contemplative life is ordered to union with God. - Constitutions of the Nuns of the Order of Preachers The foremost activity of our monastic community is to pray--for the whole world, for the Church, for the Dominican Order and for individuals. Founded in 1988 to renew the contemplative dimension of the form of life of the early Franciscan penitents, we are a contemplative-active community of religious women who have given our lives to glorify God and make known His merciful Love through prayer and works of mercy. You pray and intercede for our many brothers and sisters who are prisoners, migrants, refugees and victims of persecution. We are an Institute of Religious Life among those "which are wholly ordered to contemplation" (CIC c.674) as Nuns of the Order of Saint Benedict. Prayer Requests Request a Prayer Through Our Website. Spiritual Direction. Francis of Assisi, however, was first and foremost a mystic, a real contemplative, enamoured with the poor and crucified Christ. Sisters of the Province gather to discuss recent meetings with the General Council in Medillin, […] More Details See Full Calendar . Grant Father the grace to seek for no greater joy than your love and the privilege of bringing it to others. The Sisters pray for all our benefactors and their special intentions daily.             Prime A True Prophet for the Priesthood: Father Gerald Fitzgerald, s.P. STJ DAYS 2018. Please send us your requests by completing the form below. Prayer Request (required) Submit. Contact Us. Prayer Requests & Contact; Contemplative Charism. Prayer Requests. All rights reserved. …