This list has 101 different names for … Do we use the proper terms for private parts, or do we assign them cutesy names? Lol. But experts warn that parents should refrain from using nicknames to describe body parts… This may sound like a list of delicious snack foods, but it’s actually a list of favorite nicknames for another kind of treat: a woman’s vagina. See? People have been using belly button to mean “navel” since the late 1800s. Twinkie. Muffin. Krissy Brady. Things → sexuality (related to) → body parts related to sexuality (list of) → genitals, genitalia, privates, private parts → male genitalia; What slang words have this meaning? It’s A Penis, Not A Willy – Experts Warn Against Using Nicknames For Private Parts. 20 Baby Names Inspired By Real Princesses. From doodle to winky, from foo-foo to hoo-haw, there are endless euphemisms for our private parts. It’s also the biggest O’s nickname of choice for her lady parts and, as we know, Oprah is always right. This morning, we were asking you to reveal your nicknames for your private parts, and you didn't let us down. Tags: female anatomy, female body, female body parts, nicknames for vagina, the female body. The tongue in cheek survey by men’s retailer Jacamo has revealed the top ten names given to the private parts of UK men with Troy, Hercules and The Rock topping the list. While “penis” is the technical medical term, it’s the one we use the least. private parts), the animal-centric (beaver), the culinary (pink taco), the twee (hoo-ha), the curious (vertical smile), and so many more. Wow. I didn't realize this was so much of a thing until we heard from you, the PST listeners, and you weren't shy. [sound of can of worms being opened...] There are lots of opinions re this on MN - most people seem to use a nickname, but there's a strong anatomically-correct lobby who say 'vagina' for the vagina itself and 'vulva' for the surrounding area. It’s an indicator that snow is an important part of their lives and has been for a long time. Dirty and Sensual Nicknames for Vagina. That’s really telling when you think about how many dirty nicknames for guys there are. Now, there are other vagina nicknames that aren’t as common as we’d like to think. Most people use the common nicknames only because they didn’t know erotic nicknames were an option. So, this is part of the “things you don’t really want to talk about, but need to talk about” side of parenting. Clinical names for private parts just aren't sexy that's why so many couples make up names. The definitions of these slang words appear below the list. Cookie. There also seemed to be a trend toward female names as nicknames for one's lady business, including Minnie, Susie, Lulu, and Mary. You can call the vagina erotically if you’d like as well. All the Ways We Can Make the Holidays Extra Special for the Kids This Year. Female anatomy nicknames that sound worse than their actual names. Below is a comprehensive list of slang words for vagina, including the demure (e.g. Should we stick to nicknames for our kiddos private parts or teach them the proper names when they’re young?
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