Third, gelatin contains glycine which is a methyl donor and should be avoided. We do recommend leafy greens for extra chlorophyll because it helps to eliminate ammonia. This is because sulfur based amino acids are foundational components to many enzymes including the powerful anti-oxidant enzyme glutathione. Amy Yasko and Ben Lynch who are getting the word out and training us all in. My genetic results explained exactly why. I’m asking for clarity on what sort of symptoms would even arise from sulfur ingestion into a person with a CBS mutation. 11.2 a 35.4). Trust your body’s response to these things. thank you. Check out the various systems and find out what Berkey system would be right for you here. As soon as I am strong enough I will be trying EDTA suppositories as I don’t trust or can afford IVs. Dr Yasko makes it very clear that stabilizing the CBS mutation and lowering ammonia levels must come before starting other methylation supplementation. Yes, I do believe that SOD would be a good anti-oxidant for someone with sulfur intolerance. (My son is hetero for both 699T and A360A). The program features a 7 day ultra low histamine vegan meal plan, plus a 7 day ultra low histamine & salicylate meal plan. Glycine can be methylated to other compounds but itself provides none. BioActive Carbon BioTox also contains molybdenum to help balance sulfur metabolism. Dr. Jockers, do you recommend organ meats? Avocados are good and low-sulfur veggies such as romaine lettuce, celery, cucumbers, carrots and parsley will be very good. Your email address will not be published. BLOG POSTS. The best way to address this is with high dosages of buffered vitamin C w/bioflavonoids, dandelion and parsley. I would suggest sending this to 1. It is also extremely important to have good drinking water filtration and shower filtration to avoid ammonia that may be in typical city municipalities. Restoring integrity to the gut will help to reduce ammonia build-up in the body and take stress of the liver and kidneys. His rheumatologist wants him on prednisone but I am very hesitant. Why Betaine HCL is not good for sulfur intolerance? Then again so can histamine intolerance. I still keep a strict food diary and monitor mainly for migraine. Well, guess what, it wasn’t mercury. oops…I meant homozygous not homogenous! 3 lbs…plus liverwurst sandwiches…have raised my temp from 97.1 to 98.6 in just 2 months! It was CBS upregulation and that’s clear to me now on my labs (extremely low homocysteine, very high liver enzymes, etc) and genetics results. Could our supplementing with methylated B vitamins be making things worse relating to our CBS defects? Before I begin a protocol using chelators, I’d like to rule out my confirmed CBS mutation as a contributing factor: Does CBS mutation, IN THOSE WHOM IT IS ACTUALLY SYMPTOMATIC, cause these same issues or does it present with a completely different symptomatology? MTRR A66G heterozygous. This is much longer than the majority of water filter solutions on the market. I think the problem stems from Ritalin. Another puzzle piece that fits. We agree CBS should be addressed before MTHFR, etc. I have no CBS mutations, but sulfur foods seem to increase inflammation in my entire trunk , cause bloat and instant sleepiness. Which probiotics to help decrease ammonia? Just asked the Danish, who eat it regularly, and are extremely happy and healthy. Can we tolerate Pantothenic Acid for stress and anxiety? Are you familiar with Enterosgel as a binder…..better than Activated Charcoal? I cant seem to find the avoid list in the shopping list anywhere here? MAO-A (r6323) homozygous It may also be worth noting that sweat is high in ammonia. Later that day or next day I am often in widespread pain, especially in lymph areas near El ows a d knees. This dosn’t mean you have a CBS mutation. It appears that vitamin D is integral to the sulfur cycle (and also depletes folate), so it may be best in moderation or the levels that your genetic ancestors were exposed to. This is extremely hazardous and for those with a genetic susceptibility or poor detoxification systems can be life threatening. Dr. Jockers, I see you are a proponent of organ meats. Yes that would be very helpful! but in Liver Phase I my CYP1A1 and CY1B1 and COMT are mutated causing estrogen dominance and thereby is recommended I take DIM and cruciferous vegetables. : ) Let’s face it…we aren’t as smart as we are fast. May the healing commence! I’m really looking to help my children with ADD/brain fog. We live in a fruit production capitol and have for 10 years. Sorry you had to suffer like this, but your story will help others! Those with CBS mutation need to limit taking supplements that serve as methyl group donors.Betaine HCL acts as a methyl donor.You can try drinking 2-4 oz of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water about 15 minutes before meals to support HCL production. Berkey system would be right for you here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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